61 next week

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We have been extremely busy doing graduation practice all week today is the last day for practice and graduation is tomorrow the guys came in Monday and I'm super excited about it.

My parents let andy stay with us the guys are staying at a hotel close to my step dads house I can't wait to graduate and get it over with.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and looked at Andy he was completely knocked out and snoring lightly I smiled and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I have a huge scar on my knee from when I fell and busted it open before Christmas I used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

We have graduation practice at the stadium today then we are completely done until Friday which is graduation day my brother doesn't go to school tomorrow because it's his last day.

We go to the stadium at noon so we can do the finishing touches and make sure everything is gonna run smoothly for graduation day.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then he made coffee and woke up my brother then he went to go get ready for work.

A couple minutes later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made coffee then she headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

After my dad finished getting ready he left and headed to work for the day a couple minutes later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen.

I made a cup of coffee then I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and checked my notifications I drank some coffee my mom said you excited to graduate tomorrow.

I said I can't believe it's happening my mom said I know and she gave me a hug and kissed my head and said I can't wait to watch you accept your diploma.

Andy was still sleeping peacefully in my room my mom said is andy still asleep I laughed and said yea he is she said aw.

A couple minutes later Andy woke up and headed into the living room he said you left me I laughed and said my bad come here he layed down on the couch next to me.

My mom said do you want to stay here while I drop off your brother I said yea sure she said do you need to wear your cap and gown today I said no she said ok.

A little while later her and my brother left so she could drop him off at school Andy said so what is the plan for today I said I go to the stadium at noon.

Andy said is this the last practice I smiled and said yea it is Andy smiled and said I never got to graduate because I dropped out I started laughing and said I know.

Me and Andy continued talking about the plans for the day and also what is happening tomorrow I said graduation starts at 5 and we have to get there early.

Andy yawned and said damn this should be fun I laughed and said oh yea I know he smiled and kissed my arm I smiled and continued drinking my coffee.

After my mom came back home she used the restroom then she came into the living room and sat down on the couch and played on her phone and said have you guys been talking about the plans for today.

An hour later I got off the couch and went into my room and used the restroom then I headed into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone.

I headed into the living room my mom said Andy do you want to go with us when I drop off Elle at the stadium he said yea sure.

A couple of hours later we left and headed to the stadium I brought a water bottle since it's really hot outside after we got to the stadium I headed inside and walked onto the field.

I met up with my friends and smiled and said let's get this shit over with they laughed and said really though I took a couple pictures with them then we all got into our lines.

Miguel said you excited Elle I said oh my God yes you have no idea he laughed and said it's so hot today I said ugh I know.

An hour later we were finished with graduation practice I was sweating my ass off they said we could leave but we have to be at the stadium early tomorrow.

After we left the stadium my mom got us food then we all headed home I sighed and said I need a shower my mom laughed and said it was hot I said oh I know.

After we got home we all ate lunch together and talked about the plans for tomorrow after I finished eating I threw my trash away then I went and took a bath.

After I got out the tub I dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

Andy said do you feel better I said yes but my feet are killing me he said I bet I said I also burned my ass on the chairs because they were metal he said that's not fun I said definitely not.

My mom turned on the TV and looked for something to watch I looked at Andy and he was smiling while looking down at his phone I rested my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head.

I said why are you smiling Andy showed me a picture of us I smiled and bit my lip he put it as his wallpaper then he put his phone down and watched TV.

A couple of hours later my mom left and went to go pick up my brother me and Andy went into the kitchen and ate dinner together we also talked about random shit and laughed together.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes then we headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and played on our phones together.

A little while later my mom and brother came home and they both ate dinner my mom headed into the living room and sat down on the couch my brother went into his room and played video games.

Thirty minutes later my dad came home and he ate dinner then he headed into the living room and watched TV and played on his phone.

A little while later me and Andy went into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and watched movies on my phone.

A couple of hours later me and Andy went into the kitchen and ate dinner again then we headed into my room and continued watching movies together.

My parents went into their room and went to bed for the night my brother was still awake and playing video games.

Me and Andy stayed up and talked for a while until we plugged our phones in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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