45 Thursday

14 1 0


I can't believe Christmas is on Friday I'm super excited about it andys parents are gonna help my parents cook Christmas dinner the guys are gonna stop by and drop off the presents that they have.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy and his parents are coming over to help cook Christmas dinner since we all went grocery shopping yesterday I stayed home with my dad and Chris so we could clean the house.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and grabbed my phone and texted andy.

I yawned and put my phone down and got comfortable and fell back asleep a couple minutes later a couple of hours later my dad and mom woke up.

My dad used the restroom then he headed into the kitchen and made coffee then he headed into the living room.

My mom used the restroom then she made a cup of coffee then she went into the living room and sat down on the couch and played on her phone.

A little while later I unfortunately woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and played on my phone I didn't want to get out of bed yet.

A hour later my brother woke up and used the restroom then he headed into the kitchen and made breakfast then he went into the living room and hung out with our parents.

A little while later I finally forced myself out of bed I used the restroom then I got my phone and headed into the living room with my family I sat down on the couch next to my mom.

I said morning bitches they all started laughing together and my mom said morning to you too Elle I got up and went into the kitchen and made coffee then I headed back into the living room.

I sat back down on the couch and texted andy to see when they were coming over so we could all cook food for tomorrow I know Andy is also staying the night.

A couple minutes later Andy said they were on their way and I quickly used the restroom then I headed back into the living room and sat down on the couch and drank my coffee.

A little while later Andy and his parents came over we all hung out in the living room and talked about how we were gonna get everything cooked.

Amy said we can cook some things today and the rest tomorrow my mom smiled and said let's see how much we get done today Amy smiled and said ok.

A couple minutes later my mom and Amy went into the kitchen and started getting ready so they could start cooking.

Andy got up and went into the kitchen and helped our parents out I ended up texting the group chat to see how they were all doing today.

Thirty minutes later me and Chris got up and went into the kitchen and helped Andy had icing on his nose I said what the fuck he said don't ask.

I started laughing and said ok andy walked over to me and hoisted me up and made sure my knee didn't bend I said I love you he smiled and kissed me and said I love you more.

My dad got up and came into the kitchen and started helping out as well me and Andy listened to music on my phone and we watched in the kitchen.

I rested my head on his shoulder he had his arm around my shoulder and he kissed my head and rested his cheek on my head.

I smiled and said your sleeping over tonight andy smiled and said oh hell yea I forgot about that we started laughing together and I smiled and bit my lip.

Me and Andy ended up snacking the whole day while our parents were busy cooking they were also making jokes and laughed together.

I looked up at Andy and he smiled and said well they like each other which is really good I smiled and said definitely.

A couple of hours later we all ate dinner together and watched movies in the living room andy went and grabbed his bag out of the car and brought it into my room.

My brother hung out with us for a while until he got bored and ended up going back in his room and played video games me and Andy were busy reading fanfiction together.

It got to a sex scene and Andy covered his eyes and we started laughing together I said do you want me to read it out loud.

Andy said absolutely not I started laughing and got off of wattpad and put my phone down and we continued watching movies with our family.

Andys parents left when it got dark outside my parents told me and Andy night then they went to bed for the night me and Andy used the restroom then we went into my room.

We ended up staying up and watched horror movies on my TV we ended up falling asleep together at around 1 am because Christmas is tomorrow and we had to be up early.

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