56 Saturday

10 1 0


I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone.

I put my shoes on and grabbed my car keys and also my purse and I walked out of my room and closed my door and carefully walked down the hallway.

I walked into the living room and unlocked the front door and opened it and walked out of the house and closed the door and locked it I'm gonna drive around since I have my license.

I got in my car and locked it and buckled up and turned it on and also I turned on the radio and started driving out of the driveway.

My phone said it was 2 am I drove out of my neighborhood and went to dollar general since it was still opened I bought some hair dye skin care nails and glue.

I also bought coffee and some snacks and other things after I left the store I went and got some gas then I went into the gas station.

I walked around and bought a couple of other things then I left and picked up some food and drove back home my phone said 4 am now.

I laughed and said damn I've been out for two hours after I got home I brought all of my stuff in and went into my room and played on my phone while eating some food.

After I finished eating I threw my trash away and texted andy for a while then I used the restroom then I climbed into bed and plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my mom and dad woke up and used the restroom my dad made coffee and my mom went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

My dad brought him and my mom a cup of coffee then he sat down on the couch and turned on the TV and looked for something to watch.

A hour later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I put my hair in a messy bun and used the restroom then I headed back into my room and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen.

I put my phone in my shorts and made a cup of coffee then I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and checked my notifications then I put my phone down.

I started drinking my coffee to help wake me up my parents were watching a random show on TV I yawned and said I kinda want to have a spa day.

My mom said you can do that I don't care I said I definitely need one she said I bet you do I checked my phone and made a list of things I wanted to do today.

After I finished making the list I went into my room and locked my door I lit a candle then I got out every thing I needed.

I turned on some music then I turned on the bathtub I used the restroom then I started brushing my hair while the tub filled up.

I continued drinking my coffee a couple minutes later my brother woke up and headed into the living room with my parents.

A little while later I got in the tub and started relaxing I did a hair mask I shaved my body and I also exfoliated and used a nice smelling body wash.

After I got out of the tub I dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on I was wearing a baggy shirt and my underwear I went into my room and turned on my fan.

I put a hair oil in my hair and put it up in a claw clip I decided to do my nails since I don't plan on leaving the house today.

I did acrylic nails and I did an almond shape and I painted them black and put on a matte base coat after I finished my nails I shaved my face and put on a serum.

I put on a body lotion then I sprayed some body spray on and started doing some skin care Andy face timed me and we talked while I was doing some face masks.

After I finished doing my skin care Andy hung up and went back to the studio to continue working on the album I jammed out to music while cleaning my room.

An hour later I was done cleaning my room I took my hair down and layed down on my bed and yawned I was exhausted from cleaning my room.

I blew out my candle and put on shorts and went into the kitchen and made lunch because I was hungry my mom said how is your spa day.

I said good she smiled and said good I'm glad my brother ate lunch then he went into his room and played video games after I ate lunch I hung out with my parents for a while.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes and headed into my room and closed my door I sprayed some body spray on and climbed into bed and got comfortable.

I decided to play on my phone for the rest of the day a couple of hours later I went into the kitchen and ate dinner then I went into the living room with my parents.

A little while later my brother came into the kitchen and ate dinner then he came into the living room and we all watched a movie as a family.

After the movie ended everyone went into their rooms for the night I used the restroom then I climbed into bed and got comfortable and played on my phone for a while.

I plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later I also cuddled the batman plushie that andy won when we met the first time.

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