22 SUNDAY day 2

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk I yawned and stretched. I looked over my shoulder and saw that the sun was shining through the window. Everyone else was awake and talking to each other. I got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom and used it.

I walked out and brushed my teeth and threw my hair in a messy bun and walked over to the bed. My mom said we should go out today I said ok what about we chill at the beach since its close. Everyone said ok sounds like a good idea a little while later everyone changed and got ready.

After I put my bathing suit on I sprayed body spray on and put on my shoes. A couple minutes later we all grabbed our stuff and walked out of the room. We all headed downstairs and walked out of the hotel and headed to our truck.

We all ended up jamming out on the way to the beach. A little while later we got to the beach and we parked and all got out. Me and my family all started walking on the beach and found chairs for us to sit in.

We all quickly put on sunscreen and sat down it was a gorgeous day at the beach. There were a bunch of families hanging out together me and my family just chilled and tanned together. A little while later I got up and walked over to the water and stuck my toes in the ocean.

I noticed a couple of guys staring at me and smiling I just shook my head and looked at the ocean. I saw a huge wave and I turned around and went back to my seat and sat down. A couple of hours later we all left and headed to the truck and got in.

A little while later we all picked up food from McDonald's and headed back to the hotel. After we got to the hotel and all hung out and ate dinner together. After we ate we watched movies and I fell asleep a couple of hours later. Everyone else went to bed a little while later than me.

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