32 a month later

16 1 0


I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications Andy told me that he loved me and that tour ended Wednesday and they were heading home.

I texted him back and put my phone down and walked out of my room and went into the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom.

I headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and played on my phone until I fell back asleep for the night.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then he woke me and my brother up then he got ready for work.

My mom woke up and used the restroom then she went into the kitchen and made a pot of coffee for my dad and everyone else.

A couple minutes later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

After my dad got ready for work he made a cup of coffee then he left and headed to work for the day my mom made a cup of coffee then she went into the living room.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed.

I headed into the kitchen and made coffee then I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my mom and gave her a hug.

She smiled and gave me a hug and said my baby I laughed and shook my head and said well I can't wait to graduate she said I bet.

A little while later my brother was finished getting ready then we all left and headed to school I ended up texting the group chat to see when everyone was getting home.

I put my phone down and looked out the window on the way to school my mom and brother were talking but I was too busy zoned out to know what they were talking about.

After my mom dropped off me and my brother she left and headed home for the day I can't wait to get my cap and gown and also my diploma and be out of here.

Andy said he was going to my graduation and so are the guys that makes me really excited and I can't wait to see them again.

Me and my brother walked into the school building and we went our separate ways I yawned and sighed the hallways smelt extremely nasty.

I felt my phone vibrate and I quickly got to class and answered it Andy said hey I said I was busy walking to class he laughed and said oh my bad I must have forgotten.

I sat down in my seat and continued talking to Andy for a couple of minutes until I had to go because more people started coming into class.

Miguel sat down next to me and said morning Elle I said morning I said would it be crazy it I ran away and got married in Vegas he sat down and said what the hell Elle.

I started laughing and said it sounded like a good idea in my head he said well you are an adult and you can make your own decisions but how would your mom feel.

I said well me and Andy could have a little ceremony in the future Miguel said well there you go I just hope you don't regret getting married in high school I laughed and said that's true.

I texted the group chat and said should me and Andy get married in Vegas every one said hell yea except for andy he didn't say anything which scared me a little.

A couple minutes later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats the teacher closed the door and walked towards her desk and sat down and she took attendance.

I yawned and checked my notifications to see if andy responded but he didn't the group chat was blowing up with messages I smiled and shook my head.

The teacher put on a movie and we did missing work from through out the week Andy texted me and said I talked to your mom and she's fine with us getting married in Vegas.

I said Miguel he said huh I said my mom's fine with it he laughed and said are you serious I smiled and covered my face and said oh my God I'm insane.

Miguel started laughing and I said shut up and I playfully smacked his shoulder I got up and sat next to my teacher and told her everything.

She smiled and said in Vegas I said yea I wonder if his parents are coming and also the band she said well your gonna have to wait until your next break.

I said yea I know and I leaned back against the seat and said this is insane my teacher said well do you love him I smiled and said yea he saved my life.

She smiled and I showed her a picture of me and Andy and she said oh yea you guys are definitely absolutely adorable I smiled and said thanks.

I continued talking to her until I felt better then I went back to my seat and sat down and watched the movie she put on for everyone.

An hour later class ended and everyone walked out of the classroom and walked through the hallway I hated how packed it was it made my anxiety much worse.

A couple minutes later I got to my next class and sat down and waited for class to start Andy texted me and said he made it home I smiled and said good I'm glad.

I pulled my phone down and yawned and ended up taking a nap after class started the teacher took attendance and put on a movie we ended up having a chill day.

The teacher said Elle you can't sleep in class I woke up and yawned and sat up and watched the movie and ended up falling back asleep on my shoulder my teacher laughed and shook his head.

An hour later the bell rung and I woke up and yawned and stretched and grabbed my stuff and headed to my next class for the day.

The rest of the day went by fast because I slept in the rest of my classes since we weren't doing anything my mom said how was your guys day.

I said I slept through the whole day my mom started laughing and said Elle I said we weren't doing anything she said oh ok then that's fine.

My mom said we are having a guest stay over for a while I said uh ok that's fine she said they are gonna stay in your sister's room I said ok and checked my notifications while my mom was driving.

After my mom pulled in the driveway I noticed a black challenger my brother said who is that I smiled because I had a feeling I knew who it was.

We all went inside and I went into my room and changed and used the restroom then I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch a couple minutes later Andy came into the living room.

I squealed and ran over to him and he hoisted me up and I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my cheek on his shoulder he kissed my shoulder and said hey Elle.

I said are we actually getting married in Vegas he laughed and said if you want to we don't have to I pulled back and said I want to he smiled and kissed my forehead and I smiled and bit my lip.

I said so your staying for a while he smiled and said yes I am after Andy put me down we went in the kitchen and made dinner.

A little while later my dad came home and ate in the living room with my mom me and Andy ate in the kitchen together we talked about random shit and laughed together.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and headed into the living room and cuddled on the couch my mom said I'm excited for you guys to get married.

Me and Andy smiled and said yea I'm super excited about it as well we ended up watching horror movies then we all went into our rooms for the night.

Andy hung out with me in my room while my brother was in his room playing video games me and Andy talked about the plans for when we go to Las Vegas.

Andy left an hour later after he tucked me in he said night Elle I smiled and said night Andrew he smiled and closed my door and went into my step sisters room.

I heard Andy get into bed and fall asleep a couple minutes later I plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later as well.

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