69 monday 🖤

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My dad is off today since it's a holiday my dad has to work tomorrow since my birthday isn't a holiday it doesn't bother me since we are going out to eat that night.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications Andy was sleeping peacefully and snoring lightly.

I wanted to drive around town with andy I bit my lip and grabbed a condom out the dresser and grabbed a couple of other things.

I walked over to Andy and ran my finger down his lip and leaned down and kissed him he woke up and said Elle what are you doing I said get up I'm bored.

Andy sat up and yawned and stretched and said Elle I'm exhausted I said plz and gave him puppy dog eyes he said fine fuck and he got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed a couple minutes later Andy came back into my room and changed and we snuck out of my room.

We carefully snuck out of the house and got in my car and drove out of the neighborhood me and Andy jammed out to music while driving down town.

Me and Andy were having a lot of fun we also talked about random shit and laughed together I said what if we parked in a secluded area and had sex in the back seat.

Andy said oh my God Elle are you serious I started laughing and said why not he said your insane I smiled and said I know.

We continued jamming out to music together and driving around town I bit my lip and looked out the window while Andy drove around.

We bought drinks and also some snacks and we were eating our snacks in the car and making weird jokes and laughing together.

A hour later we found a secluded area and Andy parked and made sure the doors were locked he turned and looked at me and said you ready.

I bit my lip and said oh my God your serious Andy smiled and said why not be spontaneous for once in your life Andy climbed in the back seat and sat down in the middle.

He spreaded his legs and said are you scared Elle this was your idea I grabbed the bag with the condom and the wipes in it and threw it in the back seat.

Andy grabbed the condom and held it between two fingers and waved it I rolled my eyes and took off my shoes I looked around to make sure there was no one around.


I slid off my shorts and climbed in the back seat and climbed on andys lap he put the condom down and I straddled his lap.

Andy grabbed my hips and pulled me closer and started kissing me passionately I felt my heart race I wrapped my hand in his hair and tugged it slightly Andy moaned into the kiss and I smiled.

I pulled back and he smiled and said we are bad children I laughed and said well your telling me we started laughing and he kissed my nose.

I said I hope my dad doesn't wake up and realize we are gone Andy laughed and said we are adults we are fine they shouldn't be worried I said ok I trust you.

Andy said good I'm glad you trust me because if we get in trouble I'll say it was my fault and we should have been better kids I smiled and shook my head.

I scooted back so Andy could unzip his pants I smiled while looking at him he was biting his lip while dragging down his pants.

I got up so he could slid down his pants all the way he looked really good in the moonlight I sat back down on his knees and looked at him.

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