47 Saturday 🖤

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I can't believe andys birthday is today we talked about going out and spending time together as a family with his band as well.

Andy got to spend the night because it's his birthday and he asked his parents and they laughed and told him yes he was excited about it.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my parents woke up and used the restroom then they made coffee and went into the living room and watched TV together my brother was snoring loudly in his room.

Andy was completely knocked out and snoring lightly next to me a hour later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I wanted to do something spontaneous since it's andys birthday I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I locked my door and turned on the fan and walked over to my night stand and pulled out a condom and put it down I yawned and leaned down and kissed andys forehead.

He smiled and woke up and yawned and stretched and smiled and said morning Elle I smiled and said you wanna do something fun before we go into the living room.

Andy got out of bed and said sure then he went into my bathroom and closed the door I layed down on my bed and got comfortable I yawned and stretched and watched my bathroom door.

Andy walked out of the bathroom and smiled and shook his head and whispered morning birthday sex I said uh huh he smiled and walked over to me and kissed my head.

I said I love you he smiled and said I love you too Elle I said what do you wanna do later he said probably go out to eat for dinner tonight.

I said we can probably do that he smiled widely and said probably have a shopping spree I laughed and said girly much he started laughing and slapped my hip.

We started laughing together I said ow you asshole that hurt he said well my apologies I won't do it again and he winked and me and stood back up.

I bit my lip while staring at him Andy walked over to my night stand and grabbed the condom and winked and went into the bathroom and closed the door.


I took off my shirt and pants and climbed into bed and waited for andy he came out in his boxers and I smiled and shook my head he turned on the fan and walked over to the bed.

He climbed into bed and climbed on top of me and I moved the blanket down his back Andy smiled and kissed my head and said I love you Elle.

I said I love you more Andy he smiled and took off his boxers and tossed them off the bed Andy took off my underwear and tossed them off the bed as well.

Andy kissed my neck and I felt my heart race slightly I ran my hand down his back and he moaned slightly I started to get slightly wet.

I said Andy I need you he said ok and he separated my legs and lined up with my entrance and slid in I pressed my lips against his shoulder so I wouldn't scream.

Andy started roughly thrusting into me I gripped his back and said oh my God Andrew he smiled and said fuck Elle you feel good.

I smiled and pulled back and said why thank you he started laughing and continued thrusting into me my head went back and Andy started kissing my neck and slightly sucking on my skin.

I rested my hand on his shoulder and I felt like my body was on fire Andy started kissing my collar bone and it felt weird I laughed and Andy bite me and I said ow no.

Andy looked up at me I said no biting he started laughing and said I'm sorry then he leaned down and kissed me I cupped his cheeks and wrapped my legs around him.

I rested him chin on his shoulder and he continued picking up the pace I felt my orgasim building up I moaned Andrew I'm close he said me too.

Andy continued thrusting until they got sloppy we were both covered in sweat I leaned back on the mattress and Andy rested his forehead against mine.

Andy slammed his hips forward and my head went back and he covered my mouth while we both came together Andy said fuck Elle and he uncovered my mouth and smiled.

Me and Andy were breathing heavily he pulled out and layed next to me and I felt the breeze from the fan on my skin and it felt amazing.

Andy smiled and said that was fucking incredible I smiled and said yea my hair was sticking to my face Andy smiled and said well that was fun.


A couple minutes later we got up and took a shower then we headed into my room and dried off and changed and I grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen.

I made a cup of coffee while Andy went into the living room with my parents my brother came out of his room and went into the living room and sat down.

My mom dad and brother told him happy birthday and he smiled and said thanks guys I took a sip of my coffee and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

My mom said what do you want to do today Andy he said go shopping and go out to eat later my mom said that's fine with me.

Andy said he wanted to go to Ulta I said a makeup store he laughed and said I wanna get a couple things for Elle I said what the fuck it's your birthday he laughed and said i know.

I laughed and shook my head he said I also need to redye my hair I said we will need to go to Walmart Andy said that's fine with me.

An hour later we left and went to Ulta first me and Andy walked around and talked about random shit and laughed together.

I smiled and said I love you he smiled and said I love you more after we left ulta we went to Walmart and bought some crafts and also some hair dye and snacks.

After we got home I helped Andy dye his hair his mom and dad came over and hung out in the living room with my parents.

Me and Andy also took pictures together while I was dying his hair he was sitting in a chair but I was still too short he said Elle I'm gonna break my neck.

I said fuck you for being 6 ft he started laughing and said I can't help that your a foot shorter than me I laughed and shook my head.

Amy took a picture of us then she came in and helped me out with areas I couldn't reach in andys hair he smiled and said thanks mom she said no problem.

Thirty minutes later Andy washed his hair then he dried off and changed and came into the living room I said I'm gonna help get the dye off of you.

It took an hour to get the dye off of andys skin we ended up watching movies until it was dinner time we all got ready and went out to eat.

We ended up going to a Mexican restaurant I sat next to Andy Cc said he was paying for the whole meal I said aww.

After we finished eating we sung happy birthday to andy his face was bright red I smiled and shook my head he got a free tequila shot.

I took a video of him taking the shot he said fuck I'm gonna feel that in the morning we all started laughing together.

After we left the restaurant we all headed home I gave andy a kiss and said Mr. Tequila man he started laughing and gave me a hug and said behave ok.

I laughed and said you don't have to worry about me he laughed and said bye Elle then he left and went back to his hotel.

After we got home we changed and went to bed for the night I snuggled with the batman plushie and fell into a deep sleep for the night.

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