20 one month later Friday

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Today is finally the day we go on our trip we are out of school for a week. Me and my family are going to Florida which I'm super excited about it. We ended up packing the car last night we are leaving extremely early today which sucks.

I couldn't sleep last night because I was extremely excited about it. We didn't have school today we didn't really do anything yesterday which was extremely boring. I haven't talked to Andy in a month due to him being busy on tour.

We were all off for a whole week which is really nice. My step dad came in my room and turned on the lights he said Elle it's 4 am we need to get ready to leave. I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. I headed into my bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I grabbed everything I needed from my bathroom and headed into my bedroom and finished packing. A little while later we all got into the car and headed to the gas station to fill up. We all got snacks and things to drink for on the road. I sat in the back seat behind my brother I was listening to Billy Idol.

A couple minutes later my dad got into the car and locked it and buckled up. My dad turned on the truck and started driving out of the gas station parking lot. I just chilled on my phone and listened to music and closed my eyes to try and sleep more.

A little while later we stopped to use the restroom and get something to eat. I plugged my phone in so it could charge a couple of hours later we made it to the hotel. My dad went inside and got the room key then we parked.

We took all of our bags inside and used the restroom we ended up ordering pizza and hanging out. I plugged my phone in and fell asleep early since I was extremely exhausted from the trip.

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