43 Tuesday

14 1 0


Andy and his parents flew down yesterday the guys all drove down cc ended up picking up Andy and his parents from the airport.

Andy and his parents came over and hung out with us all day until my dad got home off of work I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room I sighed because I couldn't go back to sleep.

I changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone and keys and put on my shoes and walked out of my room.

I headed into the living room then I unlocked the front door and opened it and walked out and closed the door and locked it.

My phone said it was midnight every one was asleep so no one would know I snuck out of the house I never snuck out of my step dads house before but fuck it you only live once.

I walked off the porch and walked down the driveway and started walking down the sidewalk it was extremely cool outside I was wearing a thick jacket.

I put my hands in my pockets because of how chilly it was my mom said it was supposed to snow on Christmas I'm surprised it's not snowing now.

The street was extremely dead I looked at all of the lmao post that were lit up I was also wearing a beanie so my ears wouldn't start hurting.

I yawned and I saw my breath I laughed and said holy shit its freezing outside a little while later I turned around and headed back home since it was freezing cold.

A little while later I got up the porch and slipped and busted my knee open I said fuck I carefully got up and headed inside and locked the front door.

I went in my room and changed and cleaned my knee and bandaged it looked really bad but I made sure it was clean and bandaged properly.

I sighed and said well thats what happens when you sneak outside you get hurt I carefully climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

Amy and Chris and also andy are coming over later so they can help my mom wrap presents and put them under the tree.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then headed into the kitchen and made coffee then he went to get ready for work.

A little while later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made coffee and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

My dad left after he got ready for work I woke up because my knee was throbbing I said fuckkk I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then cleaned my knee and put some neosporian on it and wrapped it back up.

I put a knee brace on then I went into my room and grabbed my phone then I went into the kitchen and made some coffee and headed into the living room.

My mom said Elle what the fuck happened I said I went out to get something last night and I fell and busted my knee open.

I put my cup down she said are you ok I said yea I'm fine I sat down on the couch and said I cleaned it up and put medicine on it.

She said did it bleed a lot I laughed and said maybe she said Elle rose  Morgan I said shit she said you should have woke us up.

I said I was able to handle it myself don't worry she sighed and shook her head I took a sip of my coffee and put it back down.

She said Andy and his parents are coming over at 8 am I said ok and yawned I got up and went to go take some medicine because my knee was killing me.

After I took some medicine I went back into the living room and fell asleep on the couch my mom drank her coffee and played on her phone.

A couple of hours later Andy started knocking on the door I woke up and got up and answered the door he walked in and said oh dear God Elle.

Amy and Chris walked in with wrapping paper tape and markers I said I'm fine they said ok Andy picked me up bridal style and Amy closed the door.

I sighed and Andy put me back down on the couch he said what happened I said I fell outside and busted my knee open andys eyes went wide and he said oh my God.

I started laughing and said everyone chill I'm ok they said alright a little while later my mom and Amy went into her room and started wrapping presents.

Chris sat down on the couch with me and Andy got up and went to go look for a first aid kit I said Andy calm down I cleaned it.

He said let me take care of your damn knee I rolled my eyes and said ok Chris started laughing and said your tough I said well when you've been abused your whole life you turn tough.

He sighed and said unfortunately that's true Andy came in the kitchen and knelt down in front of me and took off the knee brace.

My brother woke up and came into the living room and said where's mom Andy said wrapping presents with my mom he said ok and hung out with us.

Andy took off the bandage and started freaking out I sighed and Chris said Elle you need stitches I looked at him and said it's fine.

Chris said no Elle you really need stitches Andy wrapped my knee up and I quickly used the restroom and put my shoes on.

Me Chris and Andy went to urgent care we let my mom know and she told us to keep them updated Andy held my hand while we waited.

An hour later the doctor numbed my knee and started stitching my knee he said I would need to leave them in for ten days.

I said can I use the knee brace he said yes I can because it can help to keep my stitches from popping open after we left we got ice cream and headed home.

After we got home we noticed a good bit of presents under the tree my mom and Amy said how did it go I said I got stitches Andy was holding me and he put me down on the couch.

My mom said Elle how do you feel I said my knee has been sown back together Andy said your gonna have a cool scar.

A little while later me Chris and Andy all ate lunch since everyone else has already eaten Andy said I'm staying the night our parents said that's fine.

Me and Andy hung out I'm my room for the rest of the day because I didn't want to walk too much because of my knee.

A couple of hours later my dad came home with dinner Andy went into the kitchen and got us some food then he came into my room and we ate dinner together.

A hour later Amy and Chris told me and Andy bye then they left and headed back to their hotel for the night Andy said our parents are going grocery shopping tomorrow.

I said ok that sounds fine with me later that night my mom and dad told me and Andy goodnight then they went to bed for the night.

After me and Andy used the restroom Andy cleaned my stitches then he put my brace on and we climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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