51 friday

14 1 0


The rest of the week went by quickly we did a bunch of worksheets and a bunch of other different things we ended up writing an essay in two classes for no reason.

We have a bunch of test today and I'm not excited I'm gonna be super exhausted when I get home from school we ended up studying yesterday for the tests.

My dad woke up and used the restroom then he made coffee then he woke up me and my siblings then he went to get ready for work.

A couple minutes later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made coffee then she headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I headed back into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed into the kitchen.

My dad made coffee then he made sure my brother was up then he left and headed to work for the day I made a cup of coffee and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my mom.

I said I can't wait for this day to be over my mom said why I said I have a test in every class she said damn why couldn't they split it between days.

I said I don't know but I'm definitely taking a nap later she laughed and said I won't bother you if you do ended up falling asleep.

A little while later my brother finally finished getting ready and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and said I'm ready when you guys are.

I used the restroom one last time then we left and headed to school I dreaded going because it's boring and I only have one friend kinda.

After my mom dropped us off she left and headed home I sighed and walked inside and headed towards my class Andy and the band started working on their new album once they got home.

I was also wearing andys jacket because it smelt just like him after I got to class I sat down in my seat and got out every thing I would need for the test.

I also had snacks in my purse in case I got hungry throughout the day which I always do Miguel came into class and sat down next to me.

I yawned and said well school is almost complete he said yea it's absolutely crazy I said I'm gonna move to Las Angeles with andy after graduation.

Miguel said well hopefully you have fun I smiled and said I'm definitely gonna miss my mom but I'm ready to change scenery he said I don't blame you.

A little while later class started and the teacher took attendance then she passed out our test for the class period I sighed and bit my lip.

I started reading the questions and answered them as best as I could I played with my wedding band because it helped with my anxiety.

After I finished taking my test I got up and handed it to my teacher and she smiled and I went back to my desk and sat down and she started grading my test.

I looked down at my desk and zoned out I decided to get out a piece of paper and started drawing random shit while everyone was still taking their test.

Thirty minutes later everyone finished their test then they handed it into the teacher she finished grading mine and started on the other ones Miguel yawned and said it's gonna be a long day.

I yawned and said your telling me I got a snack out of my purse and Miguel said the hell Elle you have a whole fridge in their.

I laughed and said maybe and we started laughing together and ate my snacks we both got our braces off a week a part our junior year.

A guy walked up to me and said can I have some I said no sorry he said wow your a bitch I laughed and said it's funny how you talk to me now that the year is almost over.

The teacher started laughing and shook her head I continued eating my snack and minding my own business Miguel was playing on his phone next to me.

Thirty minutes later the bell rung and everyone walked out of the classroom and walked through the hallway I yawned and headed to my next class for the day.

A couple minutes later I got to my next class for the day and sat down in my seat I absolutely hate math and I can't wait to graduate so I don't have to deal with it anymore.

The rest of the day went by quickly after the last bell rung every one walked out of the building and walked through the parking lot and went to their cars.

Me and my brother met up and got in my mom's car and we headed home for the night my mom said I got food at home before I picked you guys up.

After we got home I got ready for bed then went into the kitchen and ate dinner a little while later my dad got home and ate dinner with my mom.

After my brother finished eating he went into his room for the rest of the night I hung out with my mom and dad after I threw my trash away.

I hung out with them for a while then I went into my room and took a shower and dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

I headed into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and played on my phone for the rest of the night.

A couple of hours later my parents went to bed and my brother continued playing on his Xbox I played on my phone until I ended up falling asleep for the night.

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