13 Saturday

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So it has been a couple of months since I have been in school I have good grades which is really nice. My parents are getting married in a month and I'm extremely excited about it. We had a long day yesterday we dropped off my brother with his mom. I took a shower and stayed up late and read fanfiction and chilled on my phone.

I woke up and yawned and stretched I groaned fuckkkk and got out of bed and went into the bathroom. I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I headed into the living room and my parents said Elle what do you wanna do. I smiled and said mmm the mall they said ok we will all get ready I smiled and said cool.

A little while later we all changed and headed to the mall. We were all jamming out to music in the truck I was listening to music and looking out the window and smiling. I kept thinking of Andy and smiling I really want to meet him but I know I never will. I was planning on listening to Black Veil Brides while walking around the mall.

A little while later we all got to the mall and parked. We all got out and walked into the mall I put my phone in my pocket I was wearing a black veil brides shirt with black shorts and my vans. I put my black hair in a ponytail I smiled while we walked into the mall. I ended up doing a little makeup and putting on a chocker I looked at my tattoo and smiled I am obsessed with it.

It is a The 1975 Robbers tattoo and I am obsessed with it I'm so excited I asked my mom if I could get it for my 18th birthday and I did

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It is a The 1975 Robbers tattoo and I am obsessed with it I'm so excited I asked my mom if I could get it for my 18th birthday and I did. We all walked into the mall I could smell the food and I smiled there was a good bit of people walking around. We walked around the first floor for a while then we went upstairs.

We went to a couple of stores we stopped and ate lunch I didn't though. After we ate we used the restroom then continued walking around. We walked into Hot Topic I immediately went to the merch wall I smiled and said I'm home. One of my favorite black veil brides songs came on.

I smiled and my parents walked over to me I looked at all of the different shirts. I said oh my God Black Veil Brides I squealed because I was excited. I heard a laugh and he said I'm assuming you live that band I smiled and said oh my God yes they are my favorite band ever.

He smiled and said thanks I said huh and turned to the side and my heart stopped beating. I stuttered Cc he smiled and said hi. I squealed and gave him a hug and couldn't breathe we took a picture and talked about pugs and raccoons. He gave my parents a hug and told them hello my mom thanked him for everything he has done and he smiled and said your welcome.

I said dad I can't fucking believe this is happening and we both started laughing together. Cc said um let me go get the guys I said huh and he smiled and walked away. I immediately put my other ear bud in and listened to Andys voice and smiled widely.

I wasn't paying attention and I was looking at the band merch. I felt arms hug around me and I jumped I turned my face and saw his bright blue eyes and his smile. I felt my heart shoot in my throat and I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move I pulled out my phone and paused my music and he let go and stood up.

I gave my dad my phone I said hi in a small voice Andy smiled and said hi your Elle right. I smiled and shook my head he said yea alright cool your mom told me a lot about you. I smiled and continued laughing uncomfortably he laughed and said are you ok. I said I'm 18 he said oh no way cool I said uh huh and felt my face go red.

All the guys said aww she's blushing I shook my head and gave him a hug. My heart was racing out of my chest my dad took a couple pictures of me and Andy and the guys. We all took a group picture together me and Andy talked about different bands.

I bought some band merch and we all walked out of Hot Topic I got all of their autographs. Andy decided to hold my bag which made me smile Andy said hey can we guys hang out with you. I blurted out HELL YEA and I went quiet he laughed and said alright. I plugged my earbud in and Andy took one and we listened to music together.

Me and Andy talked about random shit like why he started a band and stuff from our childhood. We all went into a sports store I stayed by Andy while we all walked around. I felt like I have known Andy for years we just instantly clicked when we met.

We walked around the sports store Andy walked away and I said ow because he tugged the ear bud. Andy said Elle catch I said huh and he threw a football and it hit me in the face. Everyone said ohhh shit Andy said oh my God and ran over to me freaking out.

I started laughing and he cupped my cheeks and my heart started racing and my breath hitched. We were directly eye level he lifted my face up with his hands. Andy said are you ok I breathlessly said yes I'm sure he smiled and said ok good because I feel fucking horrible about that.

Andy said are you sure your ok I said yes I'm sure and he kissed my cheek where he threw the football at me. His breath was hot and his nose ring was cold against my skin and he pulled back. He smiled and said good I'm happy that you're ok because I don't want to hurt my fans I laughed and said I'm used to getting hurt at this point.

Andy picked up the football and said whoops. I bit my lip and started blushing like a mad man. He walked away and picked it up I felt a strange empty feeling when he walked away. I felt slightly sad about it I can't be already catching feelings when we just met.

Andy smiled and I quickly took a picture and he looked down and started blushing slightly. He looked back up at me and I snapped another picture and looked at it. I said oh my God he fucking winked at me my heart went in between my legs and I shook my head.

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