75 Tuesday

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I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and looked up and realized I was cuddled against andy I smiled and squeezed him slightly I have missed him way too much.

I carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door the cats were both cuddled on the edge of the bed and they were completely knocked out and snoring lightly.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room I put my hair up with a claw clip and sprayed some body spray on.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen it was still extremely dark outside I put on some music and made a glass of wine.

I also got a snack and hopped on the counter and took a picture and posted it on Instagram and Snapchat and put my phone back down and took a sip of my wine and started eating my snack.

A couple minutes later Andy woke up and came downstairs and went into the kitchen he was only in his boxers he yawned and said Elle what the hell are you doing.

I said I couldn't go back to sleep and I didn't want to wake you up he laughed and said are you drinking wine I said yea he laughed and shook his head.

I said what it's fine he smiled and said Elle baby it's literally 2 am I said well I'm eating snacks as well.

He said then that definitely makes it so much better he walked over to me and took one of my snacks and ate it and said oops.

I laughed and shook my head and said its fine he smiled and kissed my forehead and said I love you Elle I smiled and said I love you more Andrew.

He grabbed my glass and took a sip of my wine and said that's actually really good I smiled and said yea I know right and we started laughing together.

Andy put my glass down next to me and I saw crow standing next to Andy meowing he looked down and said why hello baby boy.

I smiled and said we should go back to sleep soon Andy helped me off the counter and he picked up my snack I said hey he started laughing and said I'm going back to sleep.

I said ok and he headed upstairs and went into our room and went back to sleep for the night I finished my glass of wine and used the restroom then I headed upstairs.

The cats were already completely knocked out on the edge of the bed I smiled and closed our door and plugged my phone in and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room and grabbed his phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

Andy gave the cats some food then he made coffee and also cooked breakfast for us femme woke up and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

Crow woke up and yawned and stretched and cuddled next to me and fell back asleep and started purring loudly.

A little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at crow and smiled and carefully got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Crow started meowing at the door I opened it and he ran in I started laughing and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room.

I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen crow was next to me the whole time Andy was sitting at the table eating.

I smiled and said hey Andrew he smiled and said I made you breakfast and coffee I said thank you he smiled and said no problem.

Crow started munching down on his food and I started laughing and grabbed my plate and walked over to the table and sat down next to Andy.

Femme finished eating then she ran and jumped on andys lap he smiled and said I'm eating fem she started purring loudly and layed down.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes then we headed into the living room and cuddled on the couch and watched TV for the day.

The cats were cuddled on the couch next to Andy and they were sleeping peacefully I said honestly I wanna be a cat and just sleep all day.

Andy laughed and said Elle that's pretty much you all the time I said I don't sleep all the time Andy looked at me and said yes you do I said yea thanks depression.

Andy wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer and kissed my head and said its ok don't worry I will be here for the rest of your life.

I smiled and said good I'm glad because I'm happy I have you andy smiled and said yea I'm really happy I have you in my life as well.

Me and Andy continued talking while watching TV together I ended up falling asleep against andys chest he smiled and kissed my head and covered me up with a blanket.

Andy put on a movie and got comfortable and ended up falling asleep a couple minutes later into the movie the cats jumped off the couch and started playing with their toys.

A couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and looked around and noticed I fell asleep on the couch.

Andy was completely knocked out on the couch he was snoring lightly I smiled and watched the cats run around and play with their toys.

I got off the couch and used the restroom then headed into the kitchen and got something to eat and played on my phone.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes and headed into the living room and sat on the floor and started playing with the cats while Andy was sleeping.

An hour later Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and got off the couch and went into the bathroom and closed the door crow started meowing and I grabbed a string and started waving it in front of him.

After Andy finished using the bathroom he headed into the kitchen and gave the cats some food then he started making food.

I said I fed the cats earlier Andy said did you I said never mind I forgot Andy laughed and said it's fine I gave them food anyway.

The cats ran in the kitchen and I laughed and shook my head and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then I put it down on the floor.

After Andy finished eating he picked up his dishes then he headed into the living room and sat down on the floor with me and said what are you doing I said I don't know and laughed.

Me and Andy hung out on the floor for a while then we got up and sat down on the couch and watched movies for the rest of the day.

A couple of hours later me and Andy ate dinner and fed the cats as well after we finished eating we did the dishes then we headed upstairs and went into our room.

The cats followed us after they ate their dinner Andy closed the door after the cats ran in and jumped on the bed I started laughing and shook my head.

Me and Andy got ready for bed then we climbed into bed and plugged our phones in and put them down andy turned on the TV and looked for a movie.

I layed down on my stomach and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later Andy watched a movie then he turned off the TV and went to bed a couple minutes later.

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