17 Tuesday

21 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched. I checked my phone it said 3 am I said ughhh why I sighed and got out of bed and threw my trash away. I went to the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom. I went back into my room and layed down and played on my phone I went on Instagram and stalked Andys page.

I smiled while looking on his Instagram I whispered I miss you and then I put my phone up and went to bed again. A couple of hours later my brother started banging on my door and I jumped and groaned fuckkkk. He opened my door and said Elle wake up I said go away and he closed my door.

I got up and used the restroom and changed and layed back down and fell asleep again. A little while later I finished getting ready and headed into the living room. My dad already went to work and my mom was on the couch and so was my brother. I sighed and sat down on the couch we left a little while later and my mom dropped us off at school and left.

I sighed and headed inside and walked to my class I just felt like shit while walking to my class. A couple minutes later I sat down and sighed my teacher said good morning Elle I said hey and smiled slightly. A couple minutes later Miguel walked in and sat down and I said hi and smiled slightly.

A couple minutes later more people started coming into class laughing together and sat down. The bell rung and a student came in and closed the door our teacher took attendance and the morning announcements came on. After the morning announcements ended our teacher stood up and started teaching a lecture. I just sat there and listened a little while later we finished our lesson.

I decided to go on my phone I noticed I got a DM on Instagram I said ok and clicked on it. I almost screamed I was so excited my mouth dropped and I said Miguel he said huh. I said oh my God Andy just texted me he said who I said a celebrity he said yo no way. I started smiling and felt butterflies in my stomach. Andy said hey Elle it's me Andy from the mall your mom gave me your Instagram.

I smiled and texted him back and said hey I thought you forgot about me. Andy said lmao how could I forget about you your super sweet and gorgeous. I felt my cheeks burn I talked to Andy for the rest of the class period. After the bell rung we all got up and went to our next class I felt giddy now.

A couple of hours later school finally ended I was so excited and I felt extremely happy because Andy noticed me again. I got into the car smiling my brother said what the hell is wrong with you. I said nothing I'm just happy my mom said good and we headed home.

I ate dinner and hung out with my family for a while. My dad came home and we all watched TV as a family I kept talking to Andy he said he was on tour again and I said oh damn thats nice I guess. I ended up going to bed early because of my medication. I fell asleep at 9 pm and I plugged my phone in and went to bed for the night.

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