33 Saturday

19 1 0


My bedroom door opened and closed I heard someone walking carefully in my room I was laying on my stomach.

Andy climbed into my bed after he turned on my fan he layed down and covered us back up and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad and mom woke up my dad made coffee while my mom was in the bathroom.

Andy was snoring lightly and I thought it was absolutely adorable my mom went into the living room and sat down on the couch while my dad went into the bathroom next.

A little while later my dad went into the kitchen and made him and my mom some coffee then he headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

An hour later I woke up and yawned and stretched and rolled onto my back and looked at Andy he was completely knocked out and snoring lightly.

I smiled and bit my lip because he looked extremely adorable when he sleeps I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen and let andy sleep in.

I made a cup of coffee and some oatmeal then I played on my phone and ate my breakfast then I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

My mom said how is Andy I laughed and said he snuck into my room she started laughing and said that doesn't bother me I said ok and took a sip of coffee.

A couple minutes later Andy woke up and walked out of my room then he used the restroom then he headed into the living room I said hi he smiled and walked over to me and layed down on the couch.

I started running my hand through his hair and he smiled and said that feels really good I smiled and said how did you sleep he said good.

I said we should invite our parents and the band to the little wedding in Vegas Andy yawned and said I've been talking to my parents I said ok sounds good.

My mom started talking to Andy and I decided to play on my phone while also rubbing his head he was in heaven I laughed and shook my head.

A little while later I got up and went to use the restroom since coffee makes me have to use the restroom a lot and also I have a small bladder.

I headed back into the living room andy was sitting next to my mom with his head on her shoulder I took a picture and put my phone down.

I sat down on the couch next to Andy my dad turned on the TV and looked for a crime show Andy moved his head and I rested my chin on his shoulder.

Andy turned his head and kissed my head and wrapped his arm around my shoulder a couple minutes later my brother came into the living room and sat down on the recliner.

Andy checked his notifications and took a picture of us and sent it to the group chat he also texted his parents I held his arm and looked at the ground so I wouldn't bother him.

I looked at Andy's hand tattoos because they were really interesting he put his phone down and said Elle what are you looking at I said your hand tattoos.

He laughed and told me what everyone of them meant I smiled and looked up at him and said do you plan on getting more tattoos he smiled and said hell yea.

I started laughing and said I also plan on getting more tattoos he said nice I showed him all the ones I wanted to get and why he thought they were all really cool.

I put my phone down and got comfortable on the couch and watched TV with my family Andy kept his arm wrapped around my shoulder and he rested his chin on my head and watched TV as well.

I held andys hand and he smiled and said we are gonna need to buy rings before we go to Las Vegas I laughed and said obviously he said I can go look around I said ok that's fine.

An hour later Andy got ready and left to go look for wedding rings I told him what size I needed and I only like simple diamonds.

My dad ended up going grocery shopping my brother went back into his room and I helped my mom with the laundry and also the dishes.

After we did that we went back into the living room my dad came home and I helped him pick up the groceries since he went outside to get more bags.

A couple minutes later my brother came in the kitchen and also helped Andy came inside with a jewelry store bag and I smiled and continued helping my dad.

Andy went to go put the bag in my room then he used the restroom then he headed into the living room and sat down on the couch I made me andy and my mom some lunch.

We all ate in the living room while watching TV andys parents ended up face timing him so he went into my room for some privacy.

I went into my room so I could go get something I ended up spending time with andy and his parents so I could get to meet them before we all go to Las Vegas.

We ended up talking for an hour then they left because they were going on a date me and Andy ended up staying in my room.

I said I wanna loose my virginity Andy looked at me and said are you sure I said yes and bit my lip he smiled and walked over to the jewelry store bag and pulled out a box of condoms.

I started laughing and shook my head he said hey at least I'm prepared he went into my sisters room and brought his stuff into my room and closed my door and climbed into bed with me.

I put on Grey's Anatomy and me and Andy started watching it together I said so much shit happens in this show it makes me mad and Andy started laughing and said that's nice.

I yawned and layed on my stomach while watching my phone Andy was also laying on his stomach watching my phone he looked really invested in the show.

Andy ended up falling asleep while we were watching the show I ended up watching it by myself until I also ended up falling asleep and taking a nap.

A couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and looked at Andy he was completely knocked out and snoring lightly I smiled and kissed his head then I carefully got out of bed.

I checked my phone and it said 7 pm I said Jesus I quickly used the restroom then headed into the kitchen and made some dinner since I was starving.

A couple minutes later Andy woke up and came into the kitchen and also made dinner because he was hungry as well I said can we have sex tomorrow night.

Andy yawned and said we can do it whenever we want I said ok and continued eating I plugged my phone in my room and so did andy.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and watched movies with my parents for the night.

My brother came in the living room and watched movies with us and he also ate dinner because he was hungry my mom was playing on her phone while watching the movie.

I was squeezing andys arm because of how scary the movie was Andy yelled AH WHAT THE FUCK I started laughing because he jumped.

A couple of movies later everyone went into their rooms me and Andy stayed up and talked about my after graduation plans.

Me and Andy stayed up for a little longer until we eventually ended up falling asleep snuggled together.

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