66 two months later july

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June went by so quickly we have been extremely busy me and my mom have went out and had a couple of girls days together which were amazing.

We celebrated my mom's birthday and we went out to eat and also went to a movie my brother went to his mom's house because we didn't want my step sis over.

Andy and the guys went on tour a couple of weeks ago they have been extremely busy I can't believe my birthday is in 4 days I also haven't heard from the guys yet.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I used the restroom then headed back into my room and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and walked out of my room.

It was still extremely dark outside I'm gonna sneak out and go get gas and do a couple of other things I carefully snuck out the house and locked the door and left.

I turned on the radio and drove out of the neighborhood Andy called and I answered it and put it in speaker and said hello he said hey babe I smiled and said hi.

Me and Andy talked while I was driving to the gas station Andy said they were hella busy and that they were having a lot of fun at their shows.

I smiled while listening to him telling me funny moments that have happened so far I laughed and shook my head I said damn there is so many cops out tonight.

Andy said well be extremely careful I said don't worry I'm being on my best behavior he said good don't get a ticket I said I don't want one before my birthday.

I talked to andy until I got to the gas station I hung up and started filling up my car I sat down in my car and locked the door and waited for it too fill up.

After I finished filling up the car I got a cold coffee from the gas station then I left and went back home and snuck in and closed the door and locked it.

I put my coffee up then I headed back into my room and used the restroom then I plugged my phone in and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my mom and dad woke up my mom used the restroom while my dad made coffee after she finished using the bathroom she made a cup of coffee and headed into the living room.

My dad used the restroom then he made a cup of coffee and headed into the living room and played on his phone and also turned on the TV and looked for something to watch.

A couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen and grabbed my cold coffee and also made some breakfast because I was hungry.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes then I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my mom she said you excited about your birthday.

I said eh I wish Andy was here she said I know we've been talking and he said he wishes he could be here as well.

I layed down on the couch and watched TV with my parents my dad was busy playing on his phone my mom was texting someone I just don't know who.

A hour later my brother woke up and went into the kitchen and ate breakfast and played on his phone and watched videos really loud.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes and said Jesus can you not hear my mom laughed and shook her head and started rubbing my hair.

After my brother finished eating he headed into the living room and watched TV with us I looked at my phone and saw a picture of me and Andy and smiled and put it back down.

I got off the couch and used the restroom then I headed into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and watched Netflix on my phone for the rest of the day.

A couple of hours later I went into the kitchen and ate lunch and played on my phone Andy said he was gonna be extremely busy tomorrow.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes then I headed into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and continued watching movies on my phone.

I ended up falling asleep and taking a nap because I was extremely exhausted a couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I used the restroom then headed into my room and grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen and ate dinner then I went into the living room and hung out with my parents.

We all hung out and watched movies as a family my brother came into the living room after he finished eating dinner we watched movies as a family.

After the movie ended everyone went into their rooms and went to bed for the night I ended up staying up till 2 am because I couldn't go to sleep.

I plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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