36 Friday 🖤

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I randomly woke up and felt my body shaking my chest started hurting really badly and I couldn't breathe I was having an anxiety attack and I didn't know why.

I tried waking up andy but he wouldn't budge I hit his dick and he woke up and said ow what the fuck I said I can't breathe.

He said oh shit your having a anxiety attack I said yea he rolled onto his side and put his hand on my ribs under my heart.

He said breathe slowly ok I said ok and started breathing slowly my ribs were absolutely killing me I closed my eyes and Andy kissed my head and said it's ok baby.

I felt my eyes watering and I opened my eyes and looked at Andy and said sorry for hitting your dick he laughed and said I'm fine I'm more concerned about you.

A little while later I said I'm ok now but my rib still hurts a little he kissed my head and carefully pulled me closer to him so he wouldn't hurt me.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and made coffee then he used the restroom then he woke up me and my brother then he went to get ready.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door Andy was still sleeping peacefully.

My mom woke up and used the restroom then made sure we were awake Andy said she's up mom she said ok and went to go make some coffee.

After my dad finished getting ready he left and headed to work for the day I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

Andy was awake now and sitting against my head board smiling widely I said I can't believe my favorite person is in my bed he smiled and said it's pretty comfortable to be honest.

Andy showed me the wedding rings last night and they were absolutely beautiful I tried mine on to see if it would fit and it did.

I laughed and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed into the living room and made some coffee then I headed into the living room.

I told my mom I had an anxiety attack last night she said are you ok I said Andy helped me through it she smiled and said good I'm glad.

A little while later my brother came into the living room and said he was ready to leave I used the restroom one last time then we all left and headed to school.

I was walking towards the front door and Andy ran out of my room and said please call me if you have another anxiety attack I said ok and headed outside.

I got in the car and buckled up and my mom turned on the car then we drove out of the driveway then we left and drove out of the neighborhood.

I watched cars drive down the highway past us a little while later my mom dropped us off then she left and headed home.

Me and my brother headed to our own classes I gave my teacher a hug and said I woke up having an anxiety attack she said please tell me if you have another one.

I said would I be able to call Andy if I have another one she said yes of course I pulled back and said thank you I smiled and went into class and sat down in my seat.

Miguel came into class and sat down in his seat and said morning Elle I said hey I woke up having an anxiety attack he said I'm sorry I said it's fine.

I said I'm on medication for it he said ah ok I said yea so it doesn't really help he said that sucks I said it really does.

A little while later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats and the teacher closed the door and walked over to her desk and sat down in her seat.

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