16 Monday

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Ugh Mondays always suck but this one sucked the most. I started wondering if Andy forgot about me lmao come on Elle he's a celebrity he would never fall in love with you. That has been a internal war ever since we left the mall and it hurts because its true Andy would never fall in love with me. I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched I didn't want to get up at all.

My mom came in my room and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to get up for school. I opened my eyes and sighed and she closed my door and walked away. I rolled over and got out of bed I felt like shit. I went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I walked back into my room and closed my door and got ready for the day. I put my shoes on and grabbed my phone and bag and went into the living room and sat down on the couch. My mom said are you awake I said no I'm sleeping she said ok and left me alone. I closed my eyes and fell back asleep for a while until we had to leave.

A little while later we all left and got dropped off at school my brother kept bothering me in the car until I lost my shit. I yelled IF YOU DON'T FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONE IM GONNA CRY. My mom said Elle come on be nice to your brother I said I don't care tell him to leave me alone. I just wanted to cry and scream at the same time my mom said Elle what is wrong with you I said nothing.

My brother got out of the car and my mom said Elle I'm taking you home so we can talk. She called the school and said it was a family emergency we went home and we hung out in the living room. My mom said Elle what is wrong I broke down crying I sat in her lap and said I just miss Andy she said I know.

My mom said I have been talking to him a lot more I smiled and said good she laughed and we continued talking about things that have been bothering me. My mom said Elle why haven't you told me all these things have been bothering you. I said I don't know I write in my journal she said well thats good I said yea I know.

I spent the whole day talking with my mom and it really helped me and I finally calmed down. She said do you feel better I said yea she said good. I used the restroom and ate some food and hung out with my mom all day.

A couple hours later my brother cake home and I chilled in my room. My dad came in my room and gave me food I said thanks and he said your welcome and left my room. I ate dinner and chilled on my phone I used the restroom then fell asleep after I took my medicine.

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