71 Thursday

12 1 0


My step brothers birthday is on Saturday and he's turning 16 he's not excited because he has to get shots I didn't get mine until I was 17 or 18 they weren't that bad.

Andy was completely knocked out and snoring lightly I was cuddled against his chest because he's extremely warm.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications.

I yawned and put my phone down and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell back asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and used the restroom then he made coffee and also got ready for work after he finished getting ready he left for work.

A hour later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made coffee then she headed into the living room and sat down on the couch.

A little while later my brother woke up and used the restroom then he headed into the kitchen and ate breakfast then he went into the living room with my mom.

A couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I also cleaned my tattoos and put some lotion on them then I headed into my room and grabbed my phone and headed into the kitchen and made coffee then I headed into the living room and sat down.

My mom said how do your tattoos feel I said they don't hurt but they look pretty cool she laughed and said they do look really good I said thanks.

My brother was busy playing on his phone while my mom was watching TV a little while later Andy woke up and used the restroom then he headed into the living room.

My mom said look who's alive Andy said ah its me I started laughing and shook my head and said idiot he said ow thanks Elle I said your welcome.

He laughed and shook his head and sat down on the couch and took my coffee and took a sip I said ok works too he said oh thanks by the way.

I laughed and said honestly no problem I rested my cheek on his shoulder and said what do you wanna do today he said I don't know it's up to you.

I said you wanna have a spa day together he said yea sure why not I smiled and said I'm not washing my hair he said that's fine.

I made a list of things we could do together Andy rested his chin on my shoulder and watched me make the list he added ideas as well.

A little while later me and Andy went into my room and I closed my door and locked it and turned on the fan I also lit a candle and turned on music.

Andy went into my bathroom and turned on the shower I got some clean clothes and put them on my bed Andy also got out clean clothes.

I grabbed lotion and body spray and put it down on my bed me and Andy used the restroom and brushed our hair and teeth and also used the restroom and brushed our hair.

A couple minutes later me and Andy got in the shower and jammed out together we also started laughing and washed each other's hair and body.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer and kissed him he smiled and pulled back and said I love you Elle I smiled and said I love you more Andy.

An hour later we got out the shower and dried off and changed I put on some lotion and sprayed some body spray on.

Me and Andy did some skin care and I also painted his nails black he watched me the whole time after we did everything on my list we did yoga together.

Me and Andy hung out in my room for the rest of the day I blew out my candle and climbed into bed and we watched movies on my TV.

A couple of hours later Andy went into the kitchen and made us some dinner Andy came into my room and said it's 6 pm.

I laughed and said really he said yea and closed my door and sat down on my bed and handed me a plate of food I played the movie and we started eating dinner.

My parents and brother were all in the living room and watching movies together after we finished eating we headed into the kitchen and put our dishes up.

Me and Andy headed into the living room and sat down on the couch next to my mom Andy wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

My mom said how was your guys spa day Andy smiled and said it was absolutely amazing my mom smiled and said good I'm glad I said I let andy use some of my hair oil.

Andy smiled and I kissed his nose he started laughing and I smiled and said my forever he smiled and said my forever as well.

A couple of hours later everyone went into their rooms because they were starting to get extremely exhausted me and Andy stayed up and talked about random shit and laughed together.

My brother was busy playing on his Xbox andy plugged our phones in and we cuddled and talked about plans and when Andy was going back on tour and when I can move in with him.

A couple of hours later me and Andy got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later because we were cuddled together my head was in the crook of his neck.

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