23 Monday day 3

18 1 0


Everyone else woke up way before me and decided to talk about the plans for today while I was sleeping. I opened my eyes and yawned and stretched and stayed on my stomach.

I groaned fuckkkk I have to pee and I got up and walked over to the bathroom and closed the door and used it.

I walked out and brushed my hair and teeth and walked over to the bed and layed back down and got comfortable.

My mom said Elle do you wanna go to the mall I said yea sure and I yawned and stretched again. I was slightly tanned from when we went to the beach yesterday.

The water was extremely pretty and a lot of family's were hanging out and spending time together.

I layed down and sighed and said mom when are we heading out she said I'm not sure. I said ok sounds good and I yawned and said.

A little while later we all got ready for the day and I sprayed some body spray on.

I put my shoes on and we all left the hotel a little while later and headed downstairs. We got to the lobby some people were hanging out together and talking with each other.

We all walked out of the hotel and headed to the truck and all got in. My dad locked the truck and we all buckled up and he turned on the truck.

I started listening to music while my dad drove to the mall. They were jamming out to different music from what I was listening to.

A little while later we finally got to the mall and my dad parked the truck. A couple minutes later we all got out and started walking towards the mall entrance.

We all walked into the mall and walked around Dillard's to go into the main entrance of the mall.

A little while later we all finally got into the main entrance of the mall.

We all continued walking around the first floor talking about random shit and laughed together.

I was listening to music on my phone while we where walking around the mall I still haven't heard from Andy and I'm starting to think he forgot about me completely.

A couple minutes later we walked into a random clothing store and we started walking through the store I said fuck it and pulled out my phone and texted andy.

After I texted him I put my phone in my pocket and started walking behind my parents so I wouldn't get lost.

After we finished walking around the store we left and started walking around the left side of the mall since there were a bunch of stores.

I checked my notifications and still haven't received anything from Andy I felt my heart break slightly but I guess that's what happens when you have a crush on a celebrity.

I kept my phone in my pocket for the rest of the time we ended up walking around the mall for a couple of hours then we left and went out to eat together.

I got my food to go while we were talking I noticed Andy and the band I said oh my God I told my mom and got up and walked over to them.

Cc noticed me and got up and immediately gave me a hug I smiled and said hey he said ugh I've missed you I said me too.

Cc went to go sit back down I said hey andy he smiled and said hey Elle I looked down and said I texted you he said yea I saw I've been really busy and I was gonna text you back.

I looked up at him and said no its fine if you don't respond I understand I felt my eyes watering and I immediately walked away I heard Andy sigh and get up.

He started walking towards me and he grabbed my hand and I stopped walking and turned around he said Elle look I'm gonna text you back when we get to the hotel ok.

I said ok sure and pulled my arm out of his grasp and just stood in front of him I felt my eyes watering slightly and I gave him a hug and said I miss you so much.

He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head and said yea I miss you too Elle I said what hotel are you staying at and he told me Hilton.

I laughed and said what floor he said 7th why I laughed and said see you at the hotel he laughed and said yea I guess so.

A hour later we left the restaurant and went back to the hotel I noticed Andy and the band a couple rooms away from us Andy was texting on his phone.

I gave my dad my food and immediately walked over to Andy and gave him a hug he smiled and said I just texted you I laughed and said ok.

Me and Andy stayed wrapped in each other's arms in the hallway for a while I pulled back and said night he smiled and kissed my forehead and said good night Elle.

I pulled away from him and went into my room and closed the door and changed I also ate dinner and played on my phone I also texted andy for a while.

My family fell asleep at around midnight I plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

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