24 Tuesday day 4

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Yesterday we went to the mall and I had a lot of fun spending time with my family we all definitely deserved a vacation we didn't bring my sister because she is really loud and she likes to steal shit from people.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door everyone else was still asleep.

I yawned and used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications I texted andy and watched YouTube for a while.

He texted back Elle why are you awake I said I don't know but I can't go back to sleep he said meet me in the hallway I said ok and carefully got out of bed.

I put on my shoes and grabbed my phone and walked out the hotel room and left the door open slightly I heard another door open I smiled and bit my lip and turned around.

Andy was standing in the hallway in a baggy shirt and batman pj pants and he has messy hair and a sleepy smile I smiled and started walking towards him.

He smiled and opened his arms and I wrapped my arms around his neck and he hoisted me up I yelped and he started laughing and said shhh Elle people are sleeping.

I said oops and pulled back and looked at him his eyes were extremely bright I smiled and bit my lip and looked down at his shirt and blushed slightly.

I said can I be honest with you andy yawned and said yea what's up I said I thought you forgot about me when I didn't hear from you in a month.

He sighed and said no Elle I didn't forget about you we just got really busy and every time I went to text you we had to do something important.

I said I understand he said so no I absolutely didn't forget about you I smiled and bit my lip and rested my head on his shoulder and said good I'm glad he smiled and said you have me all to your self this week.

I pulled back and said what he said we are off for the week and your mom told me you guys were going on vacation and we decided to join.

I smiled and said well now I'm a lot more happy Andy smiled and said good me too Andy put me down and I walked towards the window on the floor.

I looked down and saw the view I smiled and said the view is gorgeous Andy walked behind me and said yea the view is absolutely gorgeous I bit my lip and felt complete again.

Andy kissed my head and I felt my heart race slightly I turned around and looked up at him he smiled and looked down at me he said we should probably go to sleep.

I said ok he grabbed my hand and I followed behind him and he walked me to my room and went back to his room.

I closed the door and went into my room and plugged my phone in and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my family woke up and went into the living room and talked about our plans for the day someone started knocking on the door and my dad answered it and closed the door.

I heard Andy talking to my parents in the living room about the plans for today my mom said Elle is still asleep Andy started laughing and said I'm not surprised.

Apparently we are gonna hang around the pool for today since it is a bright and beautiful day I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and headed into the living room with my family.

Andy smiled and said morning Elle I laughed and said morning Andy he got up and walked over to me and gave me a hug I smiled and nuzzled my head against his neck.

I pulled back and my mom said we are gonna hang out by the pool today I smiled and said that sounds like fun Andy said the guys are getting ready right now.

Andy left after a couple of minutes so we could all get ready for the day and hang out by the pool a little while later we all headed downstairs and went outside and went towards the pool.

Andy and the band were already chilling and talking about random shit and laughing together there was a couple of families outside with their kids.

A couple minutes later we found some chairs then we all put on some sunscreen and sat down and got comfortable the sun felt really good against my skin.

Andy was sitting next to me and he was also wearing sunglasses and he looked really good I smiled and bit my lip I was also wearing sunglasses because of how bright the sun was.

Cc was busy talking to jinxx about random shit and laughing together jinxx said I think Andy and Elle would be cute together.

Me and Andy said huh at the same time we looked at each other and started laughing I said he's not wrong Andy smiled and shook his head.

A little while later all the guys got up and went into the pool and started swimming I was sitting next to my mom she smiled and said you and Andy would be cute together.

I smiled and said yea I agree I flipped over so I could tan my back I heard Andy whistle and he slapped cc in the back of the head for staring at my ass.

Andy and the guys were busy playing pool games and acting like teenagers which was really funny I yawned and rolled back on my back and put on my sunglasses again.

An hour later the guys got out and walked back towards their chairs and sat down my mom said we are gonna order pizza when we go inside.

I yawned and said that's fine with me I looked over at Andy and he was smiling while looking at me I smiled and shook my head and looked at the pool.

A little while later I got off the chair and got in the pool it felt really good against my skin Andy got up and got in the pool as well and hoisted me up since I'm really short.

I said thanks for holding me he laughed and said I don't need you drowning on us I started laughing and said true.

Me and Andy hung out in the pool for a while until we decided to get out and dry off after I dried off I put on some more sunscreen and sat down in my chair.

A couple of hours later we all headed inside and went to our rooms my dad ordered pizza and I went into the bathroom and used the restroom then I decided to take a bath.

After everyone was finished changing I went to take a bath a couple minutes later the guys came over and hung out in the living room with my family I heard my bedroom door open and close.

I said uh ok strange but I continued taking a bath because the bathroom door was locked so no one could get in.

A little while later I got out of the tub and dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on I had some really cute tan lines.

I walked out of the bathroom and jumped I said oh my God Andy started laughing and said my bad he was sitting on my bed playing on his phone.

I put up my dirty clothes and walked over to him and gave him a hug and said you scared me he laughed and gave me a hug and said oops.

A couple minutes later me and Andy headed into the living room my dad walked in with a couple boxes of pizza and some soda I sat down by my mom on the couch.

Andy handed me a plate and I said thanks and put it next to me on the couch we all hung out and talked about random shit and also funny stories about tour and laughed together.

The guys stayed for the rest of the day until it got dark outside we all ate dinner and watched movies then they left I gave andy a hug and he kissed my head and left for the night.

I helped my parents clean up then we all went into our rooms and went to bed for the night I talked to andy for a while then I plugged my phone in and went to bed for the night.

THE FAMILY VACATION Where stories live. Discover now