58 a month later

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It is technically the last week for seniors since next week is graduation week we are gonna practice a couple days before graduation and I'm super excited about it.

Unfortunately we have finals all week we also have a senior trip on Friday the principal said we don't have to go if we don't want too.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I used the restroom then I headed back into my room.

I picked out a cute outfit and put it on my vanity my teacher said we are gonna do missing work today so we could get caught up on everything if we missed anything.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later I was gonna have a long day because all we are doing is missing work.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and made coffee then he used the restroom then he woke up me and my brother then he went to go get ready for work.

A couple minutes later my mom woke up and used the restroom then she made coffee then she went into the living room and sat down on the couch.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed into the kitchen and made some coffee.

I headed into the living room and sat down on the couch my mom said Elle it's technically your last week of school I said I know I can't believe it.

My brother still has this week and next week then he's a junior I yawned and said we aren't doing test today we are doing makeup work.

My mom said at least you are getting missing assignments in I smiled and said yea I'm just not ready for my finals yet.

A little while later my brother was ready and we all left and headed to school for the day my brother said I'm not excited about doing work today.

I said I have finals all week he said at least it's your last week I said eh I guess you're right but we have graduation practice all next week unfortunately.

After my mom dropped us off she left and headed home me and my brother went our separate ways I looked around the hallway and sighed and said well I'm almost done.

I got to class and gave my teacher a hug she smiled and said it's your last week how do you feel I said all kinds of emotions she said I don't blame you honestly.

I walked into class and put my stuff down then I sat down in my seat and looked around the classroom I sighed and said well school is almost over.

A couple minutes later Miguel came into class and sat down and said how are you feeling I said nervous school is almost over.

Miguel said yea but at least we don't have to deal with bullshit people and fights I said now we are gonna be in the big kid world Miguel started laughing and said yea unfortunately.

A little while later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats the teacher closed the door and walked to her desk and sat down.

She said we are doing makeup work for the day then we will study for your finals tomorrow I sighed and bit my lip and looked at Miguel.

After the teacher took attendance she sent it to the principal then she started passing out makeup work to everyone who was missing something.

Everyone else got to play on their phone and watch a movie I had a couple missing assignments that I needed to do Miguel helped me out on some of it.

After I finished all my missing work I handed it in and went and used the restroom then I went back to class and sat down in my seat and played on my phone.

After class ended everyone walked out of the classroom and headed to their next class for the day Miguel said today is gonna be hella boring I laughed and said yea.

The rest of the day went by extremely slow I got my cap and gown at lunch and I almost cried because of how surreal this is becoming.

In my last class my teacher decided to play kahoot so we could all get involved as a class me and Miguel were being competitive.

After the last bell rung every one walked out of the building and walked through the parking lot me and my brother met up and got in my mom's car.

My mom asked how our day was I said I got my cap and gown she said oh my God you have to try it on I said ok mom and she started driving out of the parking lot.

After we got home we changed and ate dinner together as a family in the living room I went into my room and changed into my cap and gown and took a couple pictures.

I almost started crying I went into the living room and my mom said oh my God my baby I gave her a hug and she took a couple pictures as well.

After I changed I sprayed some body spray on and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch my brother stayed in the living room for a while.

After we finished watching movies we all went into our rooms for the night I ended up face timing Andy and the guys they were having a sleep over.

I said how is the album Andy said apparently tour starts after you graduate I smiled and said oh thank God that makes me feel better.

I talked to the guys for a while until Andy said I need to go to bed for school I hung up and plugged my phone in and used the restroom.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later I was cuddled with andys sweatshirt since it smelt like him.

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