29 Monday

16 1 0


Unfortunately we have to go back to school today I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and closed my door I found an outfit for tomorrow and climbed into bed and got comfortable.

I texted andy and plugged my phone in and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later my batman stuffed animal was beside me in my bed.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and went into the bathroom and used it then he woke up me and my brother then he went to get ready for work.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door a couple minutes later my mom woke up and started knocking on the door.

I said hold on I finished using the bathroom then I headed into my room and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

My dad left for work for the day I grabbed everything I needed and headed into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee for school.

I went into the living room and sat down on the couch my mom headed into the living room and sat down on the couch and said you excited about school.

I said no why would I be excited about school she laughed and said I don't know she said how are you and Andy I smiled and said we are doing good she smiled and said good I'm glad.

A little while later my brother finally came into the living room and my mom said are you guys ready I said yea and yawned.

A couple minutes later we all left and headed to school for the day I looked out the window and watched the cars pass us by.

A little while later my mom dropped us off then she left and headed inside I sighed and headed inside and walked to class my brother went to his class as well.

I took a sip of coffee while walking down the hallway towards my class my teacher said morning Elle I yawned and said I wanna go back to vacation.

She said oh lucky I had to make lesson plans I said ew that's not fun she laughed and said tell me about it I sat down in my seat and texted the group chat and put my phone down.

I sighed and started drinking coffee a couple minutes later Miguel came into class and said hey Elle I smiled and said hi I'm exhausted he laughed and said nice.

I said I went to Florida for the week Miguel said that's fun I said yea it was a lot of fun he said so did you see Andy I said actually we did and we are dating now.

Miguel said congrats and gave me a hug I smiled and said thanks he said no problem I said he asked me to be his girlfriend at one of his concerts.

He said that's crazy I said the venue was packed with people my anxiety was crazy he laughed and said yea I definitely don't blame you.

I said I can't wait for the tour to end Miguel said I don't blame you one bit a couple minutes later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats.

The teacher closed the door and walked over to her desk and sat down and took attendance then sent it to the principal our teacher handed out worksheets and she went back to her desk.

The teacher said we will work on the worksheets together as a class I yawned and took a sip of my coffee a couple minutes later we started working on the work sheet.

Me and Miguel went over the questions and we googled the ones we didn't know people in the back of the class were not doing their work and playing on their phones.

After we finished doing our worksheets we turned them in to the teacher so she could go over them and she gave them back to us and started working on a lesson plan for tomorrow.

After class ended everyone headed out of the classroom and headed to their next class Miguel walked next to me on our way to our next class.

I quickly used the restroom then headed to class and sat down in my seat Miguel sat down next to me I yawned and checked my notifications then I put my phone down.

I texted andy to see how he and the guys were doing today Andy said they were fine and getting ready for their next show.

I put my phone down and looked around the classroom and looked at every one who was in the class so far I looked back at the board and sighed while waiting for class to start.

The rest of the day went by quickly our teachers told us we would have quizzes Friday and that we were gonna study on Thursday.

After the last bell rung every one walked out of the building and walked through the parking lot I walked towards my mom's car.

My brother got in the back and I got in the front seat and buckled up my mom started driving out of the parking lot.

My mom asked how our day was I sighed and said shitty my mom laughed and said that sounds about right.

After we got home I went into my room and changed and headed into the living room and we all ate dinner as a family.

After we finished eating I headed into my room and did some home work then I played on my phone for the rest of the night.

A little while later my parents went to bed for the night since it was getting late my brother was busy playing video games.

I texted andy for a while until I decided to plug in my phone and put it down and go to bed for the night.

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