34 monday

17 1 0


I can't believe I lost my virginity Sunday night I woke up with my legs hurting but it was definitely worth it Andy has been staying in my room now.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door I wanted to be quiet because Andy was sleeping.

My legs were still slightly sore from last night but it was absolutely amazing I can't believe I gave andy my virginity it's also like my dream came true in a way.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell back asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later my dad woke up and made coffee in the kitchen then he headed into the bathroom and used it then he woke me and my brother up.

A couple minutes later my mom woke up and used the restroom then headed into the living room while my dad made coffee in the kitchen.

I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

Andy woke up and yawned and stretched and said damn Elle last night was amazing I smiled and said yea it was now be quiet he started laughing and said my apologies.

I started laughing and shook my head and changed and sprayed some body spray on Andy whistled I said stop it Andrew he rolled onto his back and stretched.

I grabbed everything I needed and walked over to him and kissed him and said love u he smiled and said love u more I headed into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee.

My dad made him and my mom a cup then he left and headed to work for the day I hung out with my mom until my brother was ready to leave.

A couple minutes later Andy woke up and headed into the living room and layed down on the couch next to me and yawned I smiled and started scratching his head.

My mom said hopefully your brother gets finished soon I said yea me too and I yawned Andy sighed and said I'm gonna miss you I said me too.

A little while later we all finally left and headed to school Andy went back into my room so he could go back to sleep since he isn't a morning person and neither am I.

After my mom dropped me and my brother off she left and headed home so she could spend time with andy and bond over shit that's what she told me.

Me and my brother walked inside and went our separate directions Miguel walked up to me I yawned and said hi he laughed and said how was your weekend.

I said well Andy is staying with us for a while and we are getting married in Vegas he started laughing and said well that sounds like a lot of fun.

I said yea as we were walking a couple of guys started yelling at each other I said are you fucking kidding me it's too early for this shit me and Miguel got to class and sat down in our seats.

My teacher said what is going on out there I said I don't know and shrugged a teacher broke the guys up and they went to their classes.

The teacher went to her desk and sat down and looked at the lesson plan ans got everything organized for today's lesson.

After she got it organized I helped her pass out the papers while she went to go greet students until the bell rung after I passed out the papers I put the extras on her desk and went to go sit back down.

A couple of minutes later the bell rung and the teacher closed the door and walked over to her desk and sat down and took attendance and sent it to the principal.

After she took attendance she told us we were doing a worksheet as a class Miguel said we do these all the damn time I laughed and said I know.

A little while later we all started working on the work sheet and also asked questions when we had any me and Miguel finished them before everyone else.

After we finished working on them we put them on our desk and waited for everyone else to finish working on theirs.

A little while later everyone turned in their work sheets and the teacher grabbed them and we all got to talk to our friends.

I said I can't believe I'm getting married Miguel started laughing and said did andy buy the wedding rings I said yea he said oh he's ready we started laughing together and I shook my head.

After the teacher finished grading our papers she gave them back to us then went back to her desk and sat down and got the worksheets ready for her next class.

Thirty minutes later class ended and the bell rung and everyone headed to their next class my phone started vibrating in my pocket and I couldn't answer it.

After I got into class I put my stuff down and grabbed my phone and checked who called it was a spam call I said not important I sat down snd started drinking my coffee.

A couple minutes later Miguel came into class and sat down next to me and yawned and said can today just end already I said I agree.

The rest of the day went by extremely slow after the last bell rung everyone walked out of the school building my brother was waiting for me.

I said ok we ended up walking to my mom's car together and got inside Andy was sitting in the front I said asshole he laughed and said my bad.

I sat in the back seat with my brother and played on my phone my mom said we are gonna pick up dinner I said that's fine.

Andy ended up talking to my mom on the way home after we got home I got ready for bed and went to go eat dinner with my family.

After everyone finished eating they threw their trash away me and my brother went into our rooms for the night I was chilling in a baggy shirt and underwear.

A little while later Andy came in my room and closed my door and turned on the fan I said huh he said I wanted to spend time with you I said ok.

He took off his shirt and pants and used the restroom then he headed into my room and climbed into bed and got comfortable.

We ended up talking for a while about how our day was we also looked up hotels in Las Vegas and a couple of other places.

Me and Andy fell asleep at around 11 pm because we were extremely exhausted my parents went to bed ar around 10 because they have to wake up early.

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