12 Friday

22 1 0


We had a long week of learning in school math was terrible I just wanted to jump out of a window. My mom came in my room and turned on the lights and said Elle it's time to wake up for school. We had to go pick up my sister after school is over. My mom walked out of my room and closed the door. I sighed and got up and changed and sprayed some body spray on and went into the bathroom and brushed my hair and teeth and also used it.

I headed back into my room and fell asleep until we have to leave. A little while later we left the house and got dropped off at school. Me and my brother went to our classes he said hey sis I said huh he said we are getting our sister today.

I said I know and walked away and headed to class. I sat down and waited for Miguel I decided to talk to my teacher for a while. We talked about graduation things and the plans for today which was really fun.

A little while later people started coming into class laughing together. Miguel sat down and we started talking about random shit and laughed. A couple minutes later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down a student closed the door and sat down.

Our teacher took attendance and the morning announcements came on. Everyone continued talking while the announcements were on. After the announcements were over our teacher said we were taking a quiz today.

Our teacher handed out the tests then sat down after and told us to begin and not to talk till everyone was done. I started my test and zoned out while reading the questions it was boring. I yawned and started answering questions I bit my lip and started thinking about Andy.

After I finished my test I turned it in and I sat down and stayed quiet and waited till everyone was done. School went by quickly we took a quiz in all of our other classes. In our last period after we finished our work we just chilled and laughed with each other it was a lot of fun.

A little while later school ended and everyone left we went home and waited for my dad to get home. A little while later me and my dad left so we could get my step sister. A hour later we met up with her mom and picked her up and headed home.

I just listened to music and looked out the window the whole way there and back. After we got home we all hung out and ate food. My sister went into her room and Started blaring music we all looked at each other and said um ok.

A little while later we watched a movie and ate dinner. I went in my room and chilled on my phone all night. My sister was listening to music in her room and I sighed and rolled my eyes. I fell asleep a little while later because I was tired from school.

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