87 a couple of months later

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Andy finished his album and went on tour a couple of months ago I've been spending time with old friends I also went to Ohio to go see his parents and spend time with them.

Amy said her and Chris would come over for a while because they also miss their fur baby grandchildren which made me laugh.

I randomly woke up and yawned and stretched and looked at the bed and noticed it was empty I sighed and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

The cats were completely knocked out and snoring lightly on andys side I hate when he goes on tour because I get really anxious being alone so I usually go out and spend time with people.

I looked in the mirror and noticed my under eyes were extremely dark I sighed and used the restroom and washed my hands then I headed back into our room and climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door the cats were still sleeping peacefully.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room and grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

I gave the cats some food then I made some coffee and started cooking breakfast I heard the cats run downstairs meowing loudly I laughed and shook my head.

After I finished cooking I sat down at the table and started eating breakfast and also drinking my coffee and played on my phone Amy texted me and said their plane is landing soon.

I texted her back and put my phone down I continued eating breakfast and looked around the kitchen and sighed it felt weird not having Andy.

After I finished eating I picked up my dishes and used the restroom then headed upstairs and changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

I texted andy and told him that I'm going pick up his parents he smiled and said I hope you have fun and drive safe.

I left the house and headed to the airport since it's an hour away I jammed out to music while driving down the highway it was a really beautiful day.

I rolled down the windows and turned up the radio I smiled and said fuck yes I love matchbox twenty I smiled and put on andys sunglasses.

An hour later I got to the airport and parked and rolled up the windows and turned down the radio and made sure the doors were locked.

I turned off the car and waited for Amy and Chris's plane to land Amy texted me and said they were at the airport I said I'm outside she said ok sounds good.

A little while later I unlocked the car and Chris opened the trunk and put their luggage inside and closed it Amy and Chris got in and buckled up and I locked the car and turned it on.

They smiled and said we missed you Elle I smiled and said me too I drove out of the airport and said are you guys starving they laughed and said oh yes definitely.

An hour later we got food and headed home Amy and Chris were talking about random shit and laughing together after we got home we ate food and hung out in the living room.

Chris brought their luggage upstairs and put it in a guest room then he headed downstairs and sat down on the couch crow was cuddled on my lap sleeping peacefully.

I said hey have any of you heard from Andy today Amy and Chris both said no I said ok and sighed and continued scratching Crows back.

Amy said have you heard from Andy today I said nope I moved crow and headed into the kitchen and gave the cats some food then I headed back into the living room.

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