79 Thursday

10 1 0


Andy has been busy all week working on new lyrics for his album my mom said she misses me a lot and I smiled and said me too I'm planning on going on a trip and visiting my mom I just have to talk to andy and my mom about it.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and used the restroom then headed back into our room.

I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later the cats were completely knocked out and snoring lightly on the edge of the bed.

A couple of hours later I woke up and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and grabbed my phone and texted my mom to see if i could come visit.

She laughed and said uh duh of course you can come visit we all miss you I smiled and texted her back and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

I gave the cats some food then I made coffee and started cooking breakfast I think I might fly instead of drive because flying is much faster.

I grabbed my phone and looked up plane tickets while I was cooking breakfast a couple minutes later Andy came downstairs and took over cooking.

He said what are you doing Elle I said looking for plane tickets instead of driving because I will get there quicker he said ok a little while later I bought a plane ticket and let my mom know.

I put my phone down and said I'm leaving Saturday morning Andy said ok and finished cooking and started plating the food he said so you have to pack today huh.

I said I can start today and finish tomorrow he said I'm gonna miss you I said me too and gave him a side hug and he kissed my head and sighed I said it's ok Andrew he said I know.

A couple minutes later me and Andy sat down and started eating breakfast together i made a list of things I would need to take on my vacation.

Andy said how long are you gonna be gone for I laughed and said I have no idea he sighed and said damn I'm gonna hate being alone I said you have the cats.

He laughed and said thanks Elle I said your welcome he smiled and rolled his eyes while I continued making my list of things I needed.

Andy said we should hang out with the guys today I finished the list and put my phone down and said that's fine with me I just need to work on laundry.

Andy texted the guys and I finished my breakfast and put my plate in the sink and grabbed the laundry basket and put clothes in it.

I grabbed my phone and headed upstairs and went into our room and tossed the clothes on the bed and started folding them a couple minutes later Andy came upstairs and helped me out.

Andy said the guys are on their way I said ok sounds good he smiled and said I'm gonna miss you when you leave I said I know me too I said my dad's gonna pick me up from the airport.

Andy said at least he's picking you up I said my moms going with him as well he smiled while folding the clothes and said good I'm glad.

A little while later the guys came over and also helped me finish up the laundry I said thanks guys they said no problem I said I'm leaving Saturday to visit my parents.

They said oh fun and looked at Andy and he looked sad I walked over to him and cupped his cheeks and pulled him closer and kissed him he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I pulled back and smiled and said I will be back home before you know it ok he smiled and said ok I trust you I smiled and kissed his nose and he started laughing.

The guys headed downstairs and went into the living room and me and Andy got ready for the day I sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed.

A couple minutes later me and Andy headed downstairs and went into the living room and said we are ready to go a little while later we all left and drove down the highway.

I looked out the window while Cc was driving Andy was in the front seat next to him I was sitting by jinxx and Ashley Jake was all the way in the back.

Jinxx said you ok Elle I said yea I'm just nervous about going back home by myself without Andy he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and said yea I bet.

Jinxx said we will keep him company don't worry I laughed and said thanks that makes me feel so much better he said oh good I'm glad.

I started laughing and shook my head and rested my cheek on his shoulder and looked out the window a little while later we all got to the mall and parked and headed inside.

Andy grabbed my hand and kept me close to him I said I don't know if I wanna go visit my parents without out Andy said you can do it trust me I will text you every day ok.

I said ok and stayed next to him we walked through Dillard's so we could get to the main part of the mall my phone started ringing and I answered it.

My mom said hey Elle you excited to come visit us I smiled and said yea I'm just nervous about going without Andy she said you will be ok don't worry I sighed and said I know mom.

I talked to my mom for a couple minutes while we walked around the first floor of the mall the guys were in front of us and acting like goons.

A couple minutes later I got off the phone with my mom I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed andys hand and we continued walking behind the guys I kissed ccs shoulder and he turned around and looked at Andy.

He said hey it wasn't me he looked down at me and I started laughing he said I'm gonna get you I said oh shit I let go of andys hand and started running away laughing.

Cc started running after me and grabbed me with one arm and lifted me in the air I started laughing and Cc put me back down and he was laughing as well.

I gave him a hug and said I'm gonna miss you guys like crazy he said trust me Elle we are gonna miss you like crazy as well.

We walked around the mall for a couple of hours then we left and went out to eat together we all did a good bit of shopping.

We ended up going to a fancy restaurant and it was really good after we left the restaurant we went to target and did a little bit of shopping.

An hour later we left target and headed back home since it was getting extremely late and we had to feed the cats after we got home the guys left and me and Andy headed inside.

Andy fed the cats and I headed upstairs and went into our room and picked up our bags and got ready for the night and used the restroom then headed back into our room.

A little while later Andy came upstairs and headed into our room and used the restroom then headed into our room and got ready for bed Andy smiled and said you wanna go to bed.

I yawned and said yea we plugged our phones in and got comfortable and talked about random shit and laughed together a couple minutes later the cats jumped on the bed and got comfortable.

Andy got up and closed the door and climbed back into bed and we got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

THE FAMILY VACATION Where stories live. Discover now