10 Saturday

29 1 0


I checked my phone and it said 1 am I yawned and stretched. I've been busy listening to music and reading fanfiction all night. I plugged my phone in and fell asleep for the night. A couple of hours later I woke up to my parents being loud in the kitchen I yawned and stretched and groaned fuckkkk I'm exhausted shut upppp.

I rolled over and sighed I got up and went to the bathroom and used it. I walked into the kitchen and said what the hell are you doing my dad said the laundry I said um ok strange. My mom said Elle what do you want to do today I said um I don't know she said ok sounds good.

I chilled in the living room with my mom my dad went outside and mowed the lawn and did outside work. I ended up falling asleep on the couch a little while later my dad came inside sweating. I was sleeping peacefully on the couch he took a shower then chilled on the couch and turned on the TV.

A little while later I woke up and yawned and stretched I ate some food and drank some Dr pepper. I chilled on the couch with my family and played on my phone and read fanfiction. A couple of hours later my parents ordered pizza for dinner.

Me and my dad went to go pick it up and then we got back home. We watched a horror movie and ate pizza. I sighed and said ughhh I really want to go to another Black Veil Brides concert my dad said that would be a lot of fun I said yesss.

A little while later I brushed my teeth and used the restroom and then went into my room and chilled on my phone for the night. I ended up falling asleep at around 1 am again I was completely knocked out after I plugged my phone in.

 I ended up falling asleep at around 1 am again I was completely knocked out after I plugged my phone in

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My dad came in my room and turned on my lights and said Elle we are picking up your brother soon. I said ok and yawned and stretched he closed my door and walked away. I grabbed my phone and put it down and groaned fuckkkk. A couple minutes later I got up and stretched and walked out of my room and headed to the bathroom.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then went back into my room. I changed and sprayed some body spray on and headed into the living room and sat down on the couch. I ate a snack and drank some coffee to help wake me up I yawned and headed back into the living room.

A little while later my dad said you ready I got up and used the restroom and grabbed my phone and earbuds. I put my shoes on and walked back into the living room and yawned and said yea he said ok. My dad got up and we left he locked the front door and we got into his truck and buckled up.

A couple seconds later we left and stopped by the gas station to fill up his truck. I smiled while looking out the window my song came on and I was excited. A couple minutes later we left the gas station and went to go pick up my brother. It was a really beautiful day I was exhausted but also happy.

An hour later we got to the gas station and parked and waited for my step brother to get there. A little while later he got dropped off and got into the truck and we left. We picked up food and headed home. After we got home I ate and chilled in my room for the rest of the day.

A little while later I threw away my trash and used the restroom and hung out in my room. I ended up listening to music all day my brother played on his Xbox. I took my medicine then plugged my phone in and fell asleep a little while later.

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