Sooga x Yiga blacksmith! reader

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-Not a request-


Y/n sighed, finally taking off their heavy igneo mask, forged not to burn in the high temeperature of their working space, replacing it with the classic one.
they undid the knot of their apron, folding it and placing it on the hanger near by.

it had been a long day, they could still hear the clanging of metal in their pointy ears and pounding in their head.
Their shift started to last longer as the assaults across Hyrule came to a start.
Y/n was the main blacksmith of the Yiga clan, known for high quality weponary and seals, which nobody knew the secret of. It was a thing taught by their parents and their parents before them, it was an art.

Y/n took a piece of cloth to wash their Face, before sliding open the door to their room, attached to the main working area.

their work was never done. Yiga soliers would often come in late, just to check on their equipment, but today didn't seem to be the case.

They took some knives they were decorating the handle of, a gift for a friend of theirs, when a cough could be heard in the other room.

shit, somebody came in.
They left the knives down frantically, running to the door of the furnace.

they didn't pay attention as they started talking with the costumer and put the apron back on.
"sorry, i didn't hear ya. Be louder next time"
Their eyes finallly focused on the man in front of them.
The Leader's Right Hand, Sooga.
their posture streightened.
did i really talk to him in that manner!?

the man didn't seem to care.
god he was so menacing.

"sorry for the truble, i know your shift is almost over, but i would really appreciate if you could give a look to my blades"
He was giving You his blades?
the ones he could only master?
a masterpiece, one of the most powerful weapons ever crafted by the Yiga?

Sooga held up the two swords, and y/n took them

"Godness, these are heavy"
y/n commented.
"i manage" he just shrugged.
"no, really, i can make them better"
He crossed his arms, tilting his head.
"I'll be back in two days then. Is that enough time?"
"...yes, if i work all night too. But it's fine, it's you we are talking about.
you'll need to pay tho"

Sooga pulled out a black leather bundle form his belt, handing it.
"is this enough? i may need to take some more from my quarters"

Y/n walked to the near by block of rock that acted as a table, putting there his blades and sprinting back to him, taking the money from his huge hand.
The blacksmith counted the rupies.

"This is a lot of it is enough for at least 5 seals, too"
his hands were now on his hips.
"good. Mind if i take a look around?"
that was unexpected.

"I mean...yes, sure, just don't touch the things over there, some may still be hot, and some seals are still setting.
there are some prototypes you can try if you want in that corner"
They pointed at the two directions.

y/n left him there, grabbing their notebook from the counter on the side of the room, and going to sit where his blades where.

They took one of the blades out of their sheats. A horrifying sight for a perfectionist like them.

scratches everywere, in some parts the blades wern't even sharp anymore!

"Have you ever took care of these blades? Oh my godness it's worse than i tought!"

Sooga's eyes widened under the mask.
nobody ever had that challenging tone while talking to him.
Everybody was, scared, to say the least. This person wasn't.
"Good thing i have to make a new pair" y/n kept talking, laughing to themselves.

"well, i'ts not my fault if our Leader needs protection 24/7" he responded, without looking in the direction of the laughing Yiga.

They started schetching the blades, the materials, the mesures, possible decorations and the seals that he would need the most in battle.
Form time to time they would look up from the notebook, checking on Sooga, who was fending the air with some of the weapons.
He really had a swift hand.

"all right, i will be going now. Thank you for your service, it's really important for all the Clan"
"Ok, i will see you in 2 days then"
and with that he took his exit.

Two days passed faster than y/n could have immagined, but you were finally done.

Shiny and sharp blades, badass handles and the strongest 5 seals they had.

y/n proudly held them, fending the air. They felt amazing, so swift and light! They were one of their best works so far.
"those must be mine, am i right?"
y/n jumped, turning around.
it's like he didn't even touch the ground! What kind of level of stealth was that?!
Y/n got their composure back, putting away the newly crafted blades.
"please make your presence known the next time"
Sooga chucled.
"may i see them?"
"oh, well of course"
Y/n reached again for the blades in their sheats, tied to a belt they made
just for support.

Sooga took them both. He never felt better.
"this is...a splendid work! I might just have to try them now on the battle field"
"a-a-a-a, not yet. You gotta learn how to take care of them first. You are not going out of here untill you understand how to treat them" Y/n crossed their arms, an annoied expression under their mask.

Sooga was shocked once again.
The audacity of this Yiga.
"good! Follow me"
Y/n led the man to the block of stone, before going to grab some monster parts they used to sharpen the blades.
"all right, you are probably familliar with lizafos, moblins and bokoblins.
Their horns, teeth and claws are very sharp and can be used to take care of the blades, just like the grindstone i got there" they pointed at the rock tool behind them.

"Monster parts are less durable but better to use. i don't use them often because i can't get my hands on them" they giggled.

"if you don't mind i could collect some for you. they are pretty easy to get" Sooga commented.

Y/n's face lit under the mask.

"you would?"

the man nodded.

"but you have other things to attend to, it would probably waste your time-" they frantically said, scratching their neck.

"hey, it's fine. i will bring you a bunch at the end of the weekends, free of charge. you alredy do enough here on your own" Sooga's word were genuine, he really ment it.

Y/n stood up, bowing and thanking him many times.

they talked for another 15 minutes, about Sooga's blades, the seals and everything Y/n included.

"i will be going. thank you for the lesson, and the efficiency" he waved and started walking out the door, but stopped before being completly out.

"i never got your name" he turned his head slightly to meet Y/n's gaze.

they stiffened, looking over at the man.
"oh- sorry for not introducing myself sooner. i'm Y/n" they put their hands on their hips.

"Y/n...i will remember it. goodbye"

"i hope the next time i see you those swords wont be like your previous ones or i'll be mad!" Y/n shouted, opening the door to their room, waving at Sooga, who just chucled and walked away.

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