Purah + Robbie x Reader pt. 3

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requested by LenaHummingbird
They/them reader


"if i plug this here...YES!" Robbie screamed in exitement as he plugged the Sheika Slate to the projector in his livingroom, Purah and Y/n waiting patiently on the couch in front of him.

The male scientist then proceeded to pull different levers and push many buttons, before a light was released from the projector  on the blanket that had been stapled to the wall to make the contents of the Slate more visible and bigger.

Robbie was then quick to run to the kitchen, grab some snacks and jump over the couch, sitting on it in  the process, startling the younger scientist and Purah, who scolded him before snatching some chips from his arms, gaining a pout from the man and a laugh from Y/n.

Purah reached for the contraption that served as a mouse, and slid into the gallery section of the Sheika Slate.

The first picture, a frog on a lily pad.

Y/n giggled, remembering how much fun the day out in Lanayru was. They recalled meeting the Zora and young Prince Sidon as their scientist friends fixed a problem on Vah Ruta with the one and only Princess Mipha.

That was most likely their first real job, as the two young adults had asked for a hand on the Divine Beast.

After Purah had awwed at the cute amphibian on screen, she slid to the next photo.

Robbie was starltled out of his seat when a photo of his hair catching on fire after a small lab explosion was shown on the wall.

Purah bursted out laughing, and Y/n hoped that she wouldn't notice how distorted and ugly their face looked, captured in that sudden moment, as they knew she would have never let go of it.

Robbie managed to scroll past after a quick fight for the remote, and sighed of relief, but the next one was way worse, as it was the moment after his hair cought fire, his whole head covered in the sand used to extinguish it.

he quickly scrolled past, and the laughter died down.

it was Y/n's turn to feel embarassed. A picture of 8 year old them, covered in greese with a screw in hand and their first attempt at creating a sheika gadget behind them, clearly not working.

Purah and Robbie aww'd in sinc, making the teen cover their face in embarassment and sinking into the couch.

they scrolled past, many memories, bad and good flooding back in their minds.

Y/n felt satisfied and happy as they were back to normal, no dangers in sight and their life back to normal.

i'm sorry it's very short :( but when o have to make part 3s i feel the idea die down, especially when there is no plot in it

anyways hope you enjoyed

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