Redempion Ark! Ganondorf x Ancient Hylian! Reader pt2

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requested (kinda?) by Mia_Brooklin 

(i know i said that requests were closed but i'd rather write something i have ideas for than not publish anything at all 😀👍)

' should mean over here...' Y/n said to themselves, scanning the paper they held with trembling hands.

It was a map, hand drawn and marked in that precise spot of hyrule, in the Rabia plains.

Stone ruins were scattered troughout the area, almost lost to time and hidden by overgrown vegetation, but they were there.

They remembered that place so well. They could almost feel the smells of the foods cooked in the common pot, hear the voices and laughter of all those people they had known, a long time past.

Y/n closed their eyes, holding the map close to their chest and sniffing sharply, holding back tears.

They looked around, the date and time scribbled, noticibly nervously, on the back of the map were the right ones.

The sound of grass rustling and heavy footsteps made Y/n turn, meeting face to face with Ganondorf.

"Good afternoon, Y/n" he said, almost as if his words were caught in his throat.

"Hi, Ganondorf" they responded, giving a sad smile, their glossy eyes not going unnoticed by the Gerudo.

He got closer, placing his hand on their shoulder, slightly leaning down, "is everything ok?", he asked, his brows furrowed.

Y/n could only nod, as a knot formed in their throat, causing them to look down into the grass.

"I'm sorry it was supposed to be a nice day i just-" they mumbled incoherently before being stopped by Ganondorf's hand, that had moved from their shoulder to their chin, gently moving their face to meet his.

"Take a deep breath," he begun, his gaze firm yet sparkling with something Y/n had only ever dared to imagine.
He cared.

Big warm tears begun to drop from Y/n's eyes, they unconciously hugged the man in front of them, sobbing in his chest.

"Why here, of all places?" They managed to blurt out between gasps.

Ganondorf was too afraid to speak.

he didn't know why, in his mind, it made sense to meet there, in a place that Y/n had known and loved. he just couldn't answer them.

all these months passed together made them close, so close that their hands would occasionally rub against each other, that Y/n would tell him about their life before the imprisoning war, about this little village so close to their heart. he wanted them to know he remembered their words, all those little details about the thousand-year-old tree in the distance filled with incisions and names, now kept safe and hidden by the dark bark.

but no words came out of his mouth, that mouth that was leaning to press a kiss on Y/n's forhead as they cried.

Y/n raised their teary eyes, meeting Ganondorf's regretful ones, an emotion so new to him, his heart was aching, and his breath shaking.

the Hylian couldn't say anything, his kiss like a burning stamp on the top of their head, his strong arms wrapped around them, his head low, yearning for more.

"maybe.." he begun, searching for the right words,"maybe this place can become a good memory" he finished, his voice low and raspy, filled with anguish.

Y/n's tears had dried on their face, only sniffles and a slight tremor remaning as they placed their hands on the sides of the man's face, gently moving it to meet theirs.

in what seemed like an eternity, their lips met, those oh so soft lips Ganondorf had only dared to think of now his and his only as he raised Y/n up in a loving embrace.

all around was a gentle breeze, making the dark clouds move in patterns and making the grass sing for the newfound love.

i dont really know what this is honestly but i like the last part i think i did great!! tell me if you liked it by leaving a vote and/or a comment! those are always appreciated and give me motivation to keep writing!!

thank you all for bearing with me💀

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