Master Kohga x Shy! Hylian! Reader pt2

254 10 17

requested by Ms_steal_yo_mans


"Is....everything ok Master Kohga?" Sooga's deep voice shook Kohga awake from the spiraling of toughts that he frequently found himself in.

He sighed loudly, placing his masked face on the wooden table in front of him with a loud thud.

"I take that as a no. Do you need anything? Food, a drink..." The lackey tried his best to get an answer out of the older man, to no avail.

There was a rather akward pause before Kohga spoke.

"Sooga have you ever been in love?" He asked, his voice muffled from the slouched over position he was in.

Sooga hesitated a moment.

"Because let me tell you it FUCKING SUCKS!!" Kohga hit his fists on the table a bunch of times, before returning to his frustrated position.

"It can't be that bad, sir" Sooga commented, moving to brew a cup of tea for his irritated boss.

"Are we talking about Lady Y/n from the castle, right?" He kept talking as he poured warm water in a wooden cup.

He turned around just in time to see Kohga nod, his mask dragging on the table.

"i barely even know her!" he begun, now lifting his head.

Silence filled the room once again.

"Maybe you could write her a letter" Sooga advised, grabbing the sugar container and bringing it to to the table, then placing the steaming cup of tea in front of his master.

"What? Are you insane?? i though you were supposed to be the brains Sooga!" Kohga angrily stirred the tea and played with the spoon as he spoke.

he huffed once more, placing a fist under his chin.

"Yet you're probably right" he mumbled.

"It just- it's so frustrating! I hate it so much!!! She's literally the only thing i've thought about since the ball. I'm a mess Sooga!"
The railcoaster of emotion was making him gesticulate, and he almost spilled the tea all over himself.

"And-and i don't know, he's just- he's just so charming and i feel like he has a heart of gold..." Y/n sat on one of the princess' room couches, mumbling to the interested young adult, who followed every little gesture and speech that came thru her mouth.

"But it could never work out. For many reasons too" She sighed, placing her elbows on her knees and holding her head up with her hands.

"mmh. Maybe we could make it work thru letters. At least untill you either fall head over heels for him - not that you alredy aren't- and can't live without him, or figure out he's not your type"
Zelda begun speaking, a small spark of hope forming in the maid's eyes.

The girl rushed on her feet and to her desk, were she messily took the ink container, a funtain pen and some paper.

"Why don't you write something now?" Zelda was overly exited as she saw a deep blush spread across Y/n's face.

"N-now?! Zelda please give me some time to think about it. Maybe- maybe he dosn't even remember me!"
She waved her hands in front of her to shoo Zelda away, but the determined girl was alredy redying a small coffee table in front of the couch were her maid was sitting.

"I really don't know about this Sooga- i'm not a poet what am i supposed to say?" Kohga said in frustration after contemplating the empty sheet of paper in front of him for a while.

"I don't think you have to be a poet to show appreciation to someone" Sooga thought out loud, making Kohga visibly angry.

"Then you do it! This is alredy more nerve wraking than keeping my little crush to myself was!" Kohga bursted out, some red sparks floating around him as he did.

"Master Kohga-"

" 'Master Kohga' my ass! I'm going to sleep" The man yelled as he got off the chair and angrily stomped out of the room.

"You think this could work, Zelda?" Y/n said softly as she waited for the ink to dry before handing the paper to the princess, who was happily swaing her legs.

'Dear Kohga, i hope this letter finds you and your clan well.

Since the night of the festivity that celebrated Calamity Ganon's sealing and the unification of all Hyrule, my heart can't help but wonder about all those fantasmagorical adventures you had me intratained with.

Your voice holds a special place in my memory, and i'm afraid it is not only there that i cherish you.

In my heart i feel a deep connection between our two individuals, so akwarly far yet so comfortable.

In hope for you to respond i send my deepest emotions to you, either from exaustion of holding them in or fear, even though i barely knwo what to fear'

'what i wish is that the two of us could learn more about each other, as I have found myself thinking of you, in a positive way that is- and i hope that you'd accept if i ever was to muster up the curage to invite you for a cup of tea over some banana bread.

Deepest reguards, Master Kohga of the Yiga Clan'



I hope you enjoy his as much as i do!

also i hope it's not too confusing with the POV shifts and evrything

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