Master Kohga x Baker! Reader

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Requested by Ms_steal_yo_mans

They/them reader

in a month or two when ppl (myself included) will have played it i will start writing oneshots for the new characters.

"Sooga do you smell that?!?" Kohga's energetic voice startled the man, who was lost in tought as they both walked around CastleTown.

Now that Kohga had made him notice, yes, a peculiar smell filled the air, and the two stopped in their tracks, looking around and sniffing the air.

"It's making my mouth water- we HAVE to find  where and what it is" the older man was quick to announce.

"should we ask around? I think it might be coming from a bakery" Sooga questioned, looking down at the shorter male.

"Yes! Good idea Sooga" Kohga chirped, moving to talk to the first person walking by.

"Excuse me-" Kohga started, but the person seemed to quiken their walking after glancing at the figure calling.

"now that i think of it, it wasn't a great idea" Kohga puffed, aware of the untrust of the people of Hyrule.

"guess we'll have to find it on our own!" The man's energy woke back up, and they were off.

They tured corner after corner, street after street following the amazing and omnipresent smell.

and finally, there it was.

A sign hanged outwards above a garden filled with small tables and chairs with people sitting and chatting, eating small desserts and sweets.

"Y/n's Bakery"

small carvings decorated the wooden sign, making it look pleasant and joyful.

Kohga couldn't hide his exitement as the smell was way stronger than it originally was.

they opened the door, a small bell warning the owner of their arrival.

Entering the bakery small giggles escaped Kohga as he saw the quantity of fresh baked bread and goods.

from the other side of the counter, a rather buisy person, probably ythe owner, was serving the many costumers, greeting them and giving them whatever it was they ordered.

The duo stayed on the sides of the spacious room, waiting for the chaos to build down, glancing at their sourroundings and at the people that went by.

finally after a while, most people had gone away, a few sitting at the tables on the inside room.

Kohga was quick to reach the counter, waiting for the person on the other side to greet them and to be free of their other chores.

Finally, the baker reached them, a tired smile on their face.

They placed their forearms on the counter, bending a bit forward looking curiously at the two costumers, then they snickered.

"finally some new faces, i was getting tired" they said smiling.

"I'm Y/n, what can i do for you?" The baker announced.

The duo was left amazed at the nonchalant behaviour of the baker, and, Kohga couldn't quite admit it, but they were also really pretty.

there was a slight ause, then Kohga spoke up.

"There was a really gret smell coming from outside, it led here so we were wandering what it was" The man was quite nervous speaking to the baker, switching his gaze from the pastries, to the floor, and rarely to their face.

"Well," Y/n started, "i've been baking loads of stuff, but surely the strongest smell has to be the banana bread-"

"BANANA BREAD!?" Kohga raised his voice in amazement.

"Sooga thats like my two favourite things put together!!" The pure exitement in his voice made Y/n laugh.

"So i take it as you'll have some then?" They said with a grin, moving to the back of the store.

Kohga nodded eagerly, his hands tapping on the counter in front of him.

Y/n disappeared for a moment in what the pair assumed was the kitchen, only to reappear moments after, baking gloves on their hands holding a tray with a steaming loaf of bred on it.

They put the tray on the counter, and the smell reached Kohga and Sooga's noses. It was way better than it seemed on the street.

Kohga snapped out of the trance the profume had had him in, and reached for a bundle of rupees on his belt.

"Don't worry about it, this is on the house, you're first time costumers after all" Y/n smiled, Kohga doing the same slightly bowing his head as to thank the baker, hitting Sooga lightly to have him do the same.

The duo then took the bread that had been wrapped in a cloth, and after thanking the baker once more, went for tbe exit.

"Oh- wait!" Y/n yelled from the counter.

"what are your names?" They asked, leaning over the counter to have one last look at the two men.

Kohga was quick to walk over to them.

"I'm Kohga! And that is Sooga" he chirped, glad at the sudden interest of the rather cute baker.

They looked at each other for a moment, a slight sparkle in their eyes, then Kohga shook his head, and after one more quick farwell, the Yiga were on their way.

Y/n found themselves wondering about the charming pair, but mostly of the chubby, short man with an incredible love for banana bread.

I'm so sorry this took really long, but i hope it was ok.
i am having a creativity crisis and this is all i could think of for the moment.

Requests are still open

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