Mipha x Reader

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Gender neutral reader

requested by Excuse_My_Gayness


Mipha's POV

As i normally did, i sat on one of the edges of my father's throne, listening to the slow flow of the water beneath me.
It was a particularly slow day, i didn't have any duties, werdly enough, but i couldn't complain. It was rare to be able to doze off and feel bored once in a while.

my toughts were interrupted by loud footseps and the sound of metal.

I looked over at the entrance of the throne room.
Four of my guards were hurriedly running towards me.

"Princess Mipha!" One spoke.
"We were just out in patrol when we found this Hylian traveller being attacked by monsters! They look heavily injured and they might not make it!"
My mind was alredy filling up with the worst scenarios for the poor Hylian, that i almost failed to notice the figure one of the Zora Warriors was holding.

Blood spilled everywere, mixing with the fresh water on the marble pavement.

I hurried to the hurt person, and the Zora holding them lowered so that i could reach on their wounds to heal them.

3rd person's POV

As Mipha scanned the stranger's body to find the injuries, she couldn't help but notice how beautiful their features were.
but it surely wasn't the time for that.
She finally detected the huge gash on the Hylian's side, dark red blood dripping and coating their traveller's clothes.

It wasn't going to be an easy healing, but Mipha could at least stop the blood and close the cut. Bones that might be broken on the inside were more difficuilt, but something told the Zora princess to give it her all.

the aquamarine blue spred across Mipha's hand and reflected on the traveller's limp and groaning form.

"Lay them on the ground, please" She softly spoke to the guard, who just nodded and proceeded.

The Hylian started coughing up blood, before groaning again and opening their eyes.
the wound was almost gone.

As the cut was now a closed scar, Y/n's eyes were concentrating on their sourroundings.

moreoever focusing on a certain purple-ish figure atop of them.

"are...are you an angel?" They spoke, voice raspy from the remaints of blood in their mouth.

a giggle escaped Mipha, who covered her mouth with a hand.

"oh, no darling, i'm Mipha, princess of the Zora. You need to rest now, you surely had a tough day" she kneeled over the Hylian, looking for more wounds, to find none, fortunatley.

Y/n made a dumb smile.
"but you saved me...you HAVE to be an angel..." they kept talking.

Mipha was beyond flustered, and could only give a surprised look to the person laying on the ground, wondering if they had hit their head on a rock beforehand.

"please take them to the inn, tell the innkeeper i will pay for their stay" she spoke to the guard now, who after listening for his princess' orders, lifted the traveller once again, taking them where the leader told him to.

Y/n dozed off in the arms of the Zora, thinking about their saviour, who coincidentally waz thinking about them too.





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