Sooga x Reader

703 10 23

Requested by TheRedRoseJester

Gn reader

This is sad


The sun was at the edge of the horizon, a red and orange hue fortold the arrival of the night.
Yiga footsoliders camping in the outskirts on Hyrule fields awaited orders, as voices rang around of Astor betraying Master Kohga, and the few survivors fleeing with the leader and his right hand man, all injured and at great risk.

"We can't just stay here if they're in a life threatening situation! We need to act"
The leader of the Small legion of Yiga, a muscular, tall blademaster, Y/n, spoke.

"we are going to split. We have to find them. Either alive, or, as much as it pains to say, dead" with their statement their voice trembled, and the other Yiga seemed shoked as well, but they obliged, circling around Y/n.

They shighed, looking around at the members, who seemed impatient to recieve any indications.

They looked down at the makeshift table made from an empty supply box, an incomplete, yellowish map sat upon it, the breeze making it tremble from time to time.

they scanned what they had of Hyrule fields, and pointed in the north-est of it.

"In case of any....complications, we'll be headed in the north east. I doubt there will be, but just to be sure, i'm giving you this information".

Sooga's low, smooth voice accompanied his finger while he pointed on the map.

"There won't be any complications tho, right?" Y/n intervened, reaching Sooga's gloved hand on the map, a bad feeling alredy in their brain.

He sighed, looking down.

"hopefully" he responded, shifting to hold Y/n's hand more firmly.
it was clear he didn't believe it either.

"i'm sure we'll be all right. We've been through worse" he said, placing his forhead on Y/n's.

"here, we'll begin the search here" they tapped on the same spot Sooga had talked about.

with that, the Yiga took their eqipment and anything useful in case they ever found their injured mutuals.

Y/n couldn't deny it. They were extremely concerned for the wellbeing of their lover, who had most likely been fighting to a point of exaustion just to ensure Master Kohga's safety.

With swift hand gestures the small legion teleported to the selected area, red lights and smoke being left behind.

As soon as they landed, the smell of burning grass filled their noses, a feeling of dread washing over each and every one of them.

small sniffles and heavy breathing reached Y/n's ears, as they scanned the rocky hills, a familliar red catching their eyes, which widened in fear.

"MASTER KOHGA!" They yelled as they sprinted towards the hiding man, catching the attention of the other soliders, who followed suit.

They slid on their knees as they reached the older man, who was slouched beside a rock, holding his head in a panic.

Kohga recognized the figure kneeling in front of him, who was giving unclear orders to his underlings.

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