Astor x Reader

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Requested byNoriiiiiiii11

they/them reader

Y/n was on guard duty outside the room used by their leader, Master Kohga, to see the predictions and prophecies of calamity Ganon and to cunsult Astor, their partner about Ganon's will.

They could hear faint mumbling from inside the room, they couldn't make out a single word but they could recognize who was speaking. The voices in that room were unmistakable.

It was after a while that they heard a sort of maniachal laughter, recognizing none other than their boyfriend, and focusing on what was going to happen next, when the meeting would have been dismissed.

That moment came, and Astor walked out the door, his hood up on his head, a bit lower than usual, just like his whole posture.

Calamity Ganon's tellings had that effect on him, and Y/n was quick to put his arm over their shoulder and help him walk to their quarters.

"You're here alredy...dear" he mumbled, his words blurred together and his tone drained and tired.

"Mhm, now let's get you some rest" Y/n half whispered, their voice gentle and full of care.

As they walked across the dimly lit hallways, the sound of their steps echoing on the walls, other Yiga members passed by, and, although they all wore a mask, Y/n could feel their lingering gaze and the hint of malice and disapproval of their clanmates, but they brushed it off, and finally, they entered their own quarters.

Y/n set Astor on a chair, his body felt almost limp, his limbs and head pulled down by gravity, one could almost feel pity for him, and Y/n surely did.

The Yiga was quick to boil some water and prepare some tea for their lover, who, at the smell of the hot drink, seemed to revive a bit, lifting his head.

"My dear, you don't have to do this for me, you know?" He talked slowly, his words felt sleepy.

Y/n, after positioning the hot cup of tea on the table next to him, and unclasping their mask, setting it aside, sat beside him.

"But this is what a partner is for, Astor. I take care of you and you take care of me, that's the most important part of it" they said, drinking from their own cup of tea, smiling at Astor afterwards.

He tiredly moved to grab the cup, his hands visibly shaking.

He held it in his hands, basking in the heat radiating from it, and after smelling the scent, he took a sip.

"You must be right, i may be knowledgable in many matters, but i missed the romance chapter in my studies" he smiled and softly laughed at himself, setting down the cup once he had finished.

Astor then yawned, covering his mouth with his hand, which then moved down to unclasp his purple cape.

Y/n looked at his tired form with loving eyes, the stories of his past always present in his golden ones, circled by deep eyebags in contrast with his pale complexion.

"I need to lay down now, today was...tough, more than all the other times" he rubbed his eyes with his fists, stumbling to get up from the chair and wobbling to move to the large futon on the pavement.

Y/n was quick to follow after they had removed most of their armour, and was just as quick to lay down beside astor, spooning him sligthly.

His breathing was alredy silent and slow, he had fallem asleep in an instant.

Y/n moved their hand to his head, playing carefully woth his purple-ish locks, and caressing his head softly.

They fell asleep soon after, the fatigue of theor workday getting the best of them.

Hey this is short and also shitty bc i'm not really a Astor fan and pairing him with someone always feels a little odd bc he's got a shit personality imo
I hope you enjoyed either way tough :)
Soon requests will be opened again

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