Yona x Reader

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Requested by KatrinaKiru
They/them reader

"oh! Yona, dear friend, you've arrived just in time!" Sidon exclaimed, moving to reach the woman, who had just stepped away from the stairs leading to the throne room.

she greeted her childhood friend, intrigued by his exitement, "what is the matter Sidon? what am I in time for?" she asked, giggling.

Sidon gave one of his winning smiles, pointing towards the center of Zora's Domain, where the statue of his dear sister Mipha stood, or, once stood.

a block of luminous stone was now placed there, a zora circling it in a rush.

"the shipment arrived! now our sculptor can finally begin on the new decor! isn't it fantastic?" Sidon said, delighted.

Yona nodded in agreement, giving another look at the stone, the zora, who she figured was the sculptor, had apparently finished their examination, and was walking towards the pair.

"Prince Sidon, the stone is in perfect condition, now what did you have in mind for the new statue?"

Yona looked at the Zora, a rather good looking one, and just as she did the scupltor did the same, their eyes locking for a moment before Sidon begun rambling about ideas.

"Ah! Forgive my manners! This is Lady Yona, she comes from a Domain far off the lands of Hyrule, and she's a dear friend of mine" he interrupted himself, placing his hands on the two zoras shoulders.

The sculptor smiled, slighlty bowing down and reaching their hand towards Yona, "my name is Y/n, it's a pleasure to meet you, Lady Yona".

As Yona reached to shake Y/n's hand, she didn't expect for the artist to kiss the back of hers, leaving her speechless, a soft red hue spreading across her cheecks.

"Oh, well, i heard quite a deal from Sidon about your mastery of statue-making" Yona tried to brush off the feeling she felt beforehand, "he informed me you were responsable for dear Mipha's memorial statue"

Y/n nodded once, "yes, it was an honour to" they responded, their gaze being dragged to the jewlery of the peculiar Zora in front of them.

"Pardon my boldness but is that gold?" They said, getting a closer look at the ornaments on her hand, which had stayed interlocked in their untill then.
"It's incredibly rare here in Hyrule, it's mostly just colored silver or any other metal dyed to mimik it's feel".

"You are correct, you seem to have a vast knowledge, how come?" Yona curiously asked, the feel of their interwined hands warm and wirdly enjoyable.

Y/n gave a nervous laughter "i wouldn't want to bother you with my life story," they begun, "you did come all this way to meet our prince after all-" as Y/n raised thier gaze to look at Sidon, they found he was gone.

The two gave each other a weirded out look, then burst into laughter.

After they had exchanged a few more words, they parted ways.

"Did you two have a nice chat?" Sidon then approached a clearly lovestruk Yona, giving thumbs up and a wink which seemed to sparkle, leaving her bashful, covering her face.

"Oh you! You!!"

Sidon laughed, "my friend, your emotions are as clear as day! I've learned to read you like an open book!"


i'll try and finish the few more requests i have and re open them soon‼️

Also ty so much for 31k reads and the many many votes!!

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