Magda x Yiga! Reader Part 3

105 2 15

requested by LenaHummingbird

He/him reader

(finale, there's an itty bit of gore)


The ex Yiga had woken up early as always, the old habits of his Clan sticking like resin on clothes.

In the sky the last stars were disappearing and the sun waking from its slumber, giving off the first morning's warmth.

The soft clouds were tinted in a nice pink hue and Y/n took a second before getting out of bed to take it all in.

He sighed, going thru his morning rutine, avoiding the bathroom mirror, eating his scarce breakfast and getting ready over all for another day.

Y/n and Magda didn't live together, in the few years that had passed since they first met Y/n begun a normal life, got a job, bought a home near the Shrine, just like Magda's and felt like a normal person for once in his life.

Sure, you could leave the clan all you wnated, but the clan never left you.

He found himself scanning the area for any sign of the hero or invoking a prayer to Calamity Ganon before remembering himself of the positive changes in his life and his will to change.

After he had finished his routine and some chores, he went out, took some gardening tools from the outside porch, and set out to the Shrine to water the flowers and to maybe wake up Magda and have her company troughout the day.

As he walked, he could see the bright blue lights of the shrine reflecting in the pond, the pond that held captive his biggest secret and fear.

As Y/n got closer and closer, an uneasy feeling washed all over him.

He could barely see something was off on the island, but it could have been the morning lights.

He made his way from bank to bank with the wooden bridge he designed with Magda, to not have to use the raft every time, or worse, swim.

Once under the tree, Y/n dropped all his things on the ground.

The dirt was turned upside-down, the flowers trampled and everything was a mess.

As he inspected the act with vandalism with tears in his eyes, a horrid sight made him freeze.

The dirt had been digged to resemble the Yiga crest, and in the middle of the inverted eye, his mask, covered in sea weed and ooze.

His breathing got caught in his throat as he took his shovel in hand as his only weapon and looked around frantically.

His eye was wide open as he looked at every corner of the horizon.

Something caught his eye once again.

'Smoke...something is burning' he tought.

'that's...that's where...THAT'S MAGDA'S HOUSE" He thought in a panic as he dashed across the bridge and ran as fast as he could to the buring house.

Small tears ran across his face as he sprinted without ever stopping, great fear engulfing him.

He soon arrived at the burning house.

He stopped, and in the middle of a breath he caught some figures disappear like only a Yiga could.

"YOU BASTARDS!" He yelled, as he tried to reach for any part of the house that wasn't too dangerous to go thru.

"MAGDA! MAGDA I'M HERE!" He yelled in tears as he managed to get into the burning house, the smoke making his eye water and making him cough.

as he looked around, a grim sight made him break.

The word 'Sorry' written in blood.

Magda's blood.

She was dead on the ground below the writing on the burning wall, her guts spilled out of her stomach and her eyes bloodshot and open.

Y/n cried loudly and reached her dead body, flames engulfing the both of them.

As he felt the familliar pain of fire kill him, the only pain he felt was the one in his heart, as the reason of his freedom had paid for the consequences of his actions.

"Is this enough for an apology?" He heard a chuckling voice, before life left his body.

I'm sorry about this ending...or am I?
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have a good day/night

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