Daruk x Reader

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requested by botwfan263
Male reader
(i think of Y/n in his 50's maybe???? i think that would be appropriate to go with Daruk)

"The monsters are too many! Not even the Hylian soliders can withstand all of them!" A paniked voice rang trhu the door, just before entering completly in the building.

"Where do they even come from! The area is well isolated and protected. Somebody has to have given out our location" Y/n spoke, his proud voice getting all the attention amongst the Sheika worriors, old and young.

One came out of the crowd, she was patching up her wounds.
"I've heard some soliders talking about the Yiga! They must have done this to us!"

Y/n took a deep breath at the mention of the dishonorable Sheika traitors, pacing around the room.

"I should have figured it out. For now, who can keep fighting try and protect the wounded and the defenselss. I think i have an idea" he commanded, gaining nods and thumbs up as they got out of the house that was serving to protect the civilians.

As soon as all the worriors were prepared to hold defenses up, Y/n reached for his Sheika slate.

"I specifically asked the little Princess to give you acces to one, in case of any emergency down in Kakriko"

his husband's voice rang in his mind as they looked at the 'distress call' button on the screen of the device.

Y/n pressed it. It made a familliar sound and glowed blue, then, faded to black again.

They sighed. "I really hope this works" they thought outloud, tying it on his hip once again and preparing to help the others fight.

The fight kept on going, the sun was now hiding behind the horizon and monsters kept flowing and flowing in the area of Necluda that hosted the village and it's surroundings.

"They've outnumbered us. We have to retreat!" Older Sheika warriors shouted, helping the wounded up from the ground and dashing in the first available building they could use as shelter.

When Y/n tought the battle was lost, loud thumping on the ground was heard.

"Finally!" They exclaimed, seeing the silouette of Vah Rudania on top of the hills that surrounded the village, and the formidable Daruk on top of it, Yunobo, his descendant from the distant future beside him.

The smaller Goron rolled on the ground to help with the monsters unreachable by the Divine Beast.

Daruk was quick to command Rudania to stomp on the hords of monsters, but something began to feel off once Rudania stopped attacking and stood in place.

Y/n didn't like that at all.

He reached Yunobo, pointing out his uneasy feeling. The nervous boy also noticed, and the two were quick to find a way to climb up Rudania's legs, reaching it's back, were the Power Terminal stood.

There, Daruk was fighting for his life, as a Blademaster, no, someone stronger than a Blademaster, was trying to stop Rudania's rampage and the faliure of his plan.

"Glad of you to join, N/n!" He laughed, wiping his nose with the free hand that wasn't holding the boulder crusher.

He had some cuts on his body, probably because he was taken by surprise by the Yiga Blademaster.

The said person wasn't going to waste any time with introductions, he dashed towards Daruk, who managed to knock him away with his mighty wepon.

Yunobo was shaking in fear, yelling Daruk's name when the Yiga begun his attacks, and Y/n tried to distract the said solider.

He had trained their throwing knives skills over the years, and it paid off.

without risking his life, Y/n had managed to land a few knives in the Yiga's body.

The Blademaster had to retreat from the seriousness of his wounds.
He teleported leaving behind slices of red and gold paper, not before shouting for all the Yiga that had started their attack on Kakariko to do the same.

The people on Vah Rudania's back took a second to take a breath, then, Y/n rushed to hug his saviour and husband.

They hugged tightly, and Daruk's hugs were another kind of tight, the kind you couldn't breath type hug.

He twirled around with the stupidest and lovelyest grin on his face, and Y/n was peppering his large face with kisses, twirling his fingers in his fluffy white hair and beard.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you my love!" Y/n said, relief and sheer happiness in his voice.

Daruk put Y/n down on the ground again, holding his hands in his own as the Sheika worriedly checked for any major wounds on his beloved.

"I don't know what we would have done without you..." Y/n exaled, pressing his face on Daruk's warm chest.

"you were lucky you I wasn't nappin'!" The Goron joked and laughed wholeheartly, placing his hands on his hips.

The two stopped to look in each other's eyes, like they often found themselves doing, before hearing Yunobo's cough from beside them.

"umm, i'm really sorry but the both of you are injured, you should take care of that first..." the anxious Goron said looking around, avoiding eye contact and clearly emarassed from the antics of the married cuple, who gave him a smile and followed him on the ledge of Rudania's side.

underneath, the people of Kakariko cheered for the Goron champions who had come to aid them.

I would pay gold to be married to Daruk please he's the perfect man

It's kinda rushed but i think it's pretty cute ngl

Have a good day/night

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