Sidon x Reader

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They/them reader

(The requester wanted to be anonymous i haven't forgotten to tag them)

this is a lemon, so if you aren't comfortable woth that i suggest you skip, and also, i'm not good at writing it so it might be a lil cringe

Sidon stood under the rain, the water droplets mixing with those falling from his eyes, fixated on the glowing light blue statue of his late sister Mipha, the only light in that dark night, where the clouds covered the starry sky.

He sighed shakily, holding a hand over his mouth, closing his eyes in discomfort.

"oh, Sidon dear, there you are" Y/n softly announced, trying not to slip while descending the stairs that led to the statue of the late Princess.

They hurryedly made their way to their boyfriend, concern on their face barely lit by the glow of the domain.

Sidon raised his gaze upon the statue once more.

"I...I wish she was more than ever..." he hugged himself, his voice tired and full of despair.

Y/n moved to hug him, knowing how words weren't the solution right now.

His sobs became louder and clearer as he hugged them back tightly, as if letting go would mean losing them as well.

Y/n gently led him back in his quarters to dry off and to possibly comfort him in this not-so-rare state of mind of his, where guilt and desperation would take over, sometimes for days at a time.

They sat him on his couch, bringing some towels and carefully drying his head and shoulders from the rain, leaving a warm, fluffy balnket on his legs to warm him up, his body trembling both from the change of temperature and the awful memories that flooded in his mind.

He gradually begun to calm down, his cryis becoming soft sniffles as he cuddled silently with his partner.

"I- Y/n...can you distract me?" he siad inbetween sobs, hugging his partner close, inching his lips to theirs.

"She woudln't want me to feel like this, i-i need to get a hold of myslef..." he half whispered as his were now millimeters form Y/n's

Y/n nodded, shifting from being on his side to sitting on his lap, cupping his cheecks with their hands, and deepening the kiss, his tongue sliding into Y/n's mouth, catching them off guard.

The kiss then came to a stop, and the two were left panting and catching their breath.

"The way you can shift from desperation  to being horny is something i will never get used to, darling" Y/n breathed out, caressing his shoulders and neck woth a gentle touch, before leaning in to place a kiss on his jaw and down his neck.

Sidon firts giggled at his loved one remark, but it became a gasp and soon a moan when his partner sucked gently onto his neck, nibbling on his scaley skin.

"If everytime i get sad this happens, i can surely be sad more often" he spoke inbetween gasps, as Y/n became bolder by the second, taking the distracting job seriously.

As they begun grinding their hips onto Sidon's he grabbed their waist firmly, closing his eyes and laying his head backwards, muttering nonsense, and sometimes whimpering too.

Y/n coudln't help but feel a biy weirded out, after all he was mouring the tragic death of his sister just moments before, and it didn't quite feel right.

They slowed down a bit, searching for anything on their boyfriend's face that gave them the answer they craved, but ther was nothing but extasy on Sidon's face, the remaints of his previous tears just barely visible over his blushing face.

They took a wary breath before they stopped their motion completly, Sidon opening his eyes and looking in confusion at them.

"Sidon? Are you sure this is what you'd rather be doing that...maybe talk about earlyer...?" Y/n questioned, their gaze evading his.

A slightly uncomfortable silence fell between them, and Sidnon stiffened a bit, his breathing hitching.

Then he took a deep breath and exaled loudly, slumping his head in the crook of Y/n's neck.

"You're right...i can't hide anything from you can i?" He spoke, his voice muffled.

"I'd just...rather talk about it another time, when i have the courage to..." he mumbled, "for now i just want to feel you close...have you in my arms..." he finished talking, rising from his spot on Y/n's neck.

They looked at each other in the eyes before they shared a soft kiss, basking in each other's comdforting warmth.

Ok this is short i'm not good with lemons i hope it's all right💀

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