Overprotective! Riju + little sister! Reader

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Requested by 123456rtre

She/her reader
Platonic!! They're sisters!!!

Y/n huffed loudly, slumped over her spear, holding onto it to not fall to the ground.

Training had been expecially hard, the sun was beating down on her skin, and, altough she was used to it, it never failed to break her apart.

It had been some time since she last trained on her own, mostly because of her older sister's worries.

The destert had started crowling with many more monsters, now that those strange ruins fell from the sky, giving them a place to camp and resist the extreme temperatures.

The Gerudo straightened up at the recognizable sound of Lizalfos, the sparks of their lighting powers making her skin shiver, and as she turned towards the noise, a group of five was slithering towards her.

"Dammit" she whispered under her breath, raising her spear, using the time she had to think of a plan.

Running back to town was a big no. Y/n had used all her energy alredy and the lizalfos would outrun her in a moment.

Fighting them was the only option left as the gerudo pointed her spear at the enemies, who halted, redying their own weapons and clicking their tongues, sparks of lighting making the air crakle.

The fight broke out, the clashing of metal and grunts of fatigue were filling the air, which trembled from the heat.

Y/n managed to knock two out, before the cold steel blade of a lizal boomerang sliced their back, making her fall face first in the sand.

Fear filled her toughts, she never believed she could be overpowered this easily.

As she awaited a final blow she tought of her sister, those stern warnings about extreme trainings like these, the way she wouldn't listen to her own words when training her lightning abilities in the danger of the sand shroud.

Y/n wished she was there as she closed her eyes unable to move because of the pain in their limbs and the wounds inflicted by the lizard-like creatures.

Her eyes went wide open when the ground rumbled and shook.

A lightning bolt.

And the harsh cursing coming from her sister's mouth at the sight.

Y/n sighed, her face still in the sand, and as he felt Riju getting closer, she found herself drifting away.

"Y/n? Y/n!" Riju yelled in a panic as she whitnessed her sister pass out, her voice craking slightly.

She signaled for the few Gerudo soliders that had accompanied her to help lift y/n, "lets get back quick" she muttered in distress, gently whiping away the sand from Y/n's emotionless face as she was being carried.

They soon crossed the gates to Gerudo town, the few older women strolling around pausing their gossiping to peek at the scene unfolding, gasping in horror at the sight.

Y/n fluttered her eyes open, her vision slightly blurry and filled with the yellow of the sandstone that made up the cieling.

As she came back to her senses, so did the pain. She curled in a ball, groaning as an intense pain in her ribs caught her off guard.

"Y/n!" She heard, before a pair of hands were placed on her shoulders, gently pushing her back down on the bed.

"You've nearly given me a heart attack! Only the Seven know what could have happened to you!" Riju said sternly, but incredible worry bled through her words.

Y/n looked disheartened at her sister, as a few tears begun slipping down her eyes.

"Oh, you..." Riju muttered, before leaning to bump her forhead with her sister's.
"Just...why'd you do it..? You could have risked your life too..." she half whispered, closing her eyes.

"I just want to be like you..." y/n answered with a strand of voice.

"Don't you say that! You don't have to be me, you have to work on being you, and, who knows, maybe your you is stronger than me! But we'll have to see about that..." she said in a giggly tone, booping her sister's pointy nose, recueving a hearwarming smile back.

Eyy new chapterrr i hope you enjoyed

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