Sooga x Yiga! reader

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Requested by dinsfire24
they/them reader

"Hey Soogaaa~" the recognizable voice of Y/n reached the called man, who sighed heavily before stopping in his tracks and turning his head.

"my favourite pest," he started, waiting for the inevitable  headlock from his friend, "what are you doing here, Y/n?" slight annoyance was in his voice, but it was clear it was not in malice.

The headlock came, and Sooga was brough to Y/n's level.

"What time will you ever be free, Sooga?? i need to spar with somebody who can actually take me" they started, the usual sass and confidence in their voice.

"You know," he begun, swiftly getting out of the headlock, grabbing Y/n's arm and bending it behind their back, "as opposed to someone, i have many duties, and i don't slack off at any given time" he released his pleading friend from the painful hold, and giggled.

"but if you really want a challenge, i can schedule a tournament" he said, placing his hands on his hips, "we'll have all the clan watching how you get your arse beaten and your confidence burst like an oktobaloon" he sneakered, knowing how full of themselves his friend was.

"Gosh, i wanna see how many bet on you only for you to lose" Y/n laughed, patting his back violently, ignoring his remark about them losing.

Sooga shook his head and snikered to his friend's antics.

"Then, tomorrow evening, main training ground?" Sooga spoke, mentally checking if he had any duties for the time indicated, which, he fortunatly didn't.

Y/n raised up their thumb and begun to walk away at a fast pace.

" 'gotta tell everyone! Cya tomorrow Loser!" They yelled from the other side of the corridor, laughing, Sooga waving goodbye as well, ignoring their mocks.

Y/n had made sure that everyone, and I mean, EVERYONE knew about the tournament, exited to finally have a real challenge and to maybe get noticed by the Elitè for their incredible skill.

But it was Sooga we were talking about after all. They knew it was going to be hard, and underneath all those layers of pride there was a hint of knowledge about their limits and the other's potentials.

Evening came quiker than expected, and in the hideout was nothing but chaos.

Several Yiga helped prepare the training ground, as Y/n and Sooga wouldn't be the only ones fighting.

Tournaments were like that after all, people could sign in to battle and win prizes, and the Yiga had an unnatural love for gambling, so they could bet on their friends and family, and either lose or win the bet. Easy enough.

Sooga and Y/n were the talk of the night.
The right hand man of the one and only Master Kohga versus a low rank Yiga footsolider, one of the best if not the best in their group.
They had scheduled to fight for last, as a grand finale, and people couldn't wait.

the night raged on, bets were lost, fights won and the so long waited for clash came.

"Good luck Soog! You'll need it!" Y/n yelled from one side of the ring as they prepared to fight.

ah, did i forget to mention that the Yiga before them could only engage in physical fighting, while Sooga and Y/n could use their weapons?


now you and all the cheering Yiga know.

as Sooga unsheithed his blades the crowd cheered louder and louder, making all the halls of the hudeout echo with their yells.
Y/n twirled their nunchaks around, giving a show for their clanmates, who cheered just as much.

A referee chosen prior stood inbetween the two friends, who were never so ready to fight.

"KICK THEIR ASS SOOGA!" was heard from the crowd, "OR IT'S 4000 PUSHUPS!!!"

Master Kohga himself stood cheering loudly and waiving his fists around, enjoying this moment of carefree entratainment between his underlings.

Sooga shook his head as he softly laughed at his Master's words, then his attention completly shifted to the referee, who held his arms up for the cheering Yiga to lower their voices, as the match was about to begin.

Y/n could feel the adrenaline forming in her body, as well as droplets of sweat on their mask-covered forhead.

the room fell silent as everyone held their breath in anticipation, and with a countdown and a quick movement, the referee started the match.

Y/n was the first to reach Sooga, swinging their nunchuks around, managing to get a few hits on the side of his torso and forearms, but Sooga was quick to either dodge or counter Y/n's attacks, sending them flying backwards as to not slash them with his swords.

As they fought the crowd kept yelling and screaming their names in encouragment, untill Y/n vanished in a cloud of smoke and red talismans.

the whole room fell quiet.

"dirty move" Sooga muttered, looking around frantically to catch a glimpse of the teleporting Yiga, their laugh haunting the hair thick with the stench of sweat and blood.

When he felt them teleport on top of him he was quick to spin attack, hitting Y/n right in the stomach and sending them slithering across the floor.

but then his breath got caught in his throat. Their mask was laying on the ground split in half, far from their face, and as the crowd noticed, yells, gasps and warnings were heard all across.

Sooga dropped his swords and rushed to the laying form of Y/n, sliding on his knees to reach them better.

They were grasping their face with their gloved hands tightly, their breathing heavy both from the fight and the fright of the moment.

"shit- shit- shit, I'm sorry- i'm so sorry" Y/n mumbled, their breathing short from the soon to be sobs.

"I wasn't careful enough i'm so so sorry-"
"Y/n stop apologizing" Sooga stopped them, making sure his broad body was covering their frame enough.

He then pulled Y/n into a hug, and Y/n hid their face in the crook of his neck.

"am I-" they sobbed, "am i gonna get in truble for this...?" Y/n asked as Sooga gently pat them on their back, signaling for any Yiga to recover a new mask for them to wear.

"no, no i don't think so" he muttered.

Y/n fell silent apart from the occasional sob.

"how did i go...? Did i even land a good hit on you?" They muttered, slight despair in their voice, knowing how they had made a fool of themselves for even challenging Sooga in the first place.

"yes, i think i'm gonna walk away filled with bruises, but i must have hit you hard on the head for you to be acting this way" Sooga spoke, his voice gentle and caring.

"where did the sassy, full of themselves Y/n i know go?" He laughed, a giggle escaping Y/n as well.

Soon a new mask was broight to them, and everything went back to normal.

"Thank you Sooga, for everything" they said, genuinity in their voice.

"Woah, i really did hit you hard on the head didn't i?" Sooga laughed again, patting Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n crossed their arms, acting hurt.

"wow, i try to be a good friend and get shamed. WOW" They coudln't hold their serious tone together and they soon found themselves laughing with Sooga, forgetting the unfortunate event of that evening, and after all, having enjoyed the chance at sparring with one of their bests of friends.

1272 words.
i think yall could call me a Sooga simp

and yeah two oneshots out in a day, now don't expect much the next week lmao

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