Sleep-Deprived! Impa x Reader

315 3 2

Requested by LenaHummingbird

She/Her pronouns


The war against Calamity Ganon had been won.

All nations of Hyrule were rejoicing at the extermination of the threat that loomed over them for far too long.

Victims were buried, structures ready to be re-built, and people just as ready to start anew, with confort and hope in the bright future ahead.

After the official Cerimonies had ceased, the champions were free to go back home to get their obviously deserved rest, and woth them Link and most importantly, Impa.

Her and her girlfriend Y/n had to separate at the dawn of the rebirth of the calamity to assure the safety of the Princess with the presence of her royal advisor, this being Impa herself.

Ever since Y/n had been keeping Kakariko village safe, helping as a leader and preparing for the day of the King of Evil's return, her heart aching at the distance between her and her precious Impa.

But once the skyes were serene again, she knew that the young matriarch would make her return.

Y/n waited at the front gates of Kakariko, dressed in traditional celebration clothes, with flowers adorning her hair and pointy hat, similar to Impa's, ready to welcome her girlfriend back in her native village.

Other Sheika people awaited with her with joy at the return of their leader.

A horse's hooves hitting the ground could be then heard, and soon, the familliar fur of Epona, Link's horse, was in front of all the people, her rider on top of her, and Impa sat behind him.

She was qick to jump off almost getting caught in the metal stirrups that held her feet in place.

Then, she leaped in Y/n's arms, and the people cheered and waved their arms in the air.

"Oh, I missed you so much my dearest" Y/n held the white-haired girl tight, closing her eyes and placing her chin on her shoulder, small happiness tears forming on the edge of her eyes.

Impa did the same.

Her body was slightly shaking, soft sniffles coming out of her form.

"now, lets get you a warm bath and deserved rest, love" Y/n caressed her cheeks lightly, wiping Impa's tear stained cheeks.

She nodded, holding Y/n's hands.

The people uderstood the need for Impa to rest, and soon they all made their way in their homes and kept living their lives as normal.

Impa's slim form was deep in the warm water of the bath that Y/n had prepared for her.

Her long white hair filled with knots was being taken care of by her girlfriend, that, sitting on a stool beside the wooden tub carefully washed ad brushed it.

Impa's eyes were closed and circled by deep eye-bags, it was clear she had fought very hard and even staied up entire nights just to hold off monster hordes and protect herself and the princess.

"thank you, my darling" Impa mumbled, as Y/n moved to give her a head massage and occasionally placed soft kisses on the top of her head.

"i was just making sure you wouldn't fall asleep in the tub, dear, a warm bed awaits you" Y/n spoke softly, "you deserve that" she finished the phrase, laying her chin on top of Impa's head.

once she was out of the tub and dressed in casual and comfortable clothes, Impa was brought to the bed, where Y/n followed her, as per her request.

Impa's tired eyes wanted to close and drift her in the land of dreams, but her mind wanted to take in the beautiful face of her lover just in front of her, inches apart.

Before falling asleep, Impa reached out to place a soft kiss on Y/n's nose, before curling up against her chest.

"You're the person i hold dearest" she mumbled before passing out, finally having a moment of peace in the arms of whom she loved most.

They both had had a difficuilt time, and finally being able to not be afraid of the creatures the night brought, they fell asleep, conforted by each other's breathing and stedy heart beats.

I hope you enjoyed even tho it' really short

leave a request or not you do you lmao

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