Daruk x Reader

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requested by rubyrouge18

they/them reader
(Reader is in their 50s bc Daruk is old)

"Well, you've been taking quite the smealting lessons, i think you could manage on your own" the Goron in charge of the forge was talking to Y/n, who was asking help for a craft,
"And if you say it's that meaningful of a gift..." he trailed off, scrathcing his chin, "yeah i'm sure ya won't cause any problems" he gave thumbs up, and Y/n remained confused.

"W-wait, I- what do you mean? I can't do it on my own!" The person spoke, worry and inscurity stained their voice.

The goron gave a heary laugh, patting the Hylian on their shoulder, "You'll do great Goro! Just remember your heat resistant gear all right?" He trailed off, moving inside his house, leaving Y/n alone in fron of the anvill.

They sighed nervously, sweating heavily in their flame resistant armor, pacing around uncomfortably and in tought.

'What would he even like! Gorons don't wear jewellery like the gerudo, metal melts in these temperatures! I should just gift him an endless supply of rock roast...' their tought begun to get worse and worse as they realized that Daruk didn't probably have any interest towards them.

Thats when an idea ran in their mind.

"Did you know, Rubys actually have the power of Fire in 'em, they're used to fireproof things and people alike!"

Said Daruk in one of their last conversations, when he had asked Y/n to have a walk around the city to catch up and talk.

It was no secret they had met in Hyrule castle multiple times, but Daruk never expected them to move closer to Goron city.

Not that he minded at all. He was actually really overjoyed and exited, as he found their personalities to align in some way.

'That's it! I just need a ruby then!' They tought, remembering a few moments later of their incertanty on the kind of gift he would have liked to have or wear.

Y/n begun to name all type of jewellery they knew of, when an idea struk them.

"A brooch!" They tought out loud, a few goron children passing by halting their playfull rolls, startled.

Y/n wasted no time, they were quick to design in their head a flame-like shape, and quiker to go to the nearest shop to get a bunch of rubies to begin their work.

As they worked, they noticed how the rubies actually prevented the metal they chose for the brooch from melting, the gemstones shining a brighter red than they alredy were.

Many hours filled with meticulous crafting and nervousness of being caught by Daruk went by, and the brooch was finally completed.

Y/n stood a moment with the jewel in ther hand, lifted up to the sky to see it shine, when a too well recognizable blue scarf could be seen on the other side of the road.

Y/n scrambled to hide it behind their back, as the massive figure of Daruk was now in front of them.

"HI Daruk, Hiii how are you doing hello" Y/n smiled nervously with their eyes wide open and the sweat from their anxiety took the place of the sweat from the heat.

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