Sooga x Yiga! Reader

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-Requested by Klee_TheAsronChild-


-They/Them reader-

Y/n exaled as they tended to their loved one's wounds.

it was alredy a blessing that the Yiga saw Link in time, approaching Sooga with his sword drawn out.
The battlefield was scattered with fire, ruins of the houses in Hyrule's central city and the sounds of a fight that left a huge mark of losses from both sides.

as they finished stiching the open cut on Sooga's arm, Y/N gazed on their partner's rough skin, filled with bruises and scars, both from elemental attacks and weapons.

a warm hand reached the Yiga's face, "...thank you, Y/n, but you really should be taking care of yourself" he moved a strand of black-tinted hair from his partner's dirty face.

"well, i'm not leaving untill i'm done so bear with it" Y/n moved to another open wound, deciding were to make the stich start. "this is going to sting", they warned, before pushing the needle where it needed to be.

Sooga hissed, closing his eyes and clenching his jaw.
Y/n could see his chest rising as he held in a breath, sucking on his lower lip.
it was heart-warming, to be able to see this vulnerable side of him, so strong and stoic on the outside, yet soft and tender on the inside. He was just as human as everybody else, and Y/n was blessed with this sight.

the needle kept pushing in and out of Sooga's skin, as Y/n softly reassured their partner, untill the stitching came to an end, and Sooga exaled.
"that was it right?" he sighed, looking around his body.
"looks like it, but i'm gonna get some ice for those" Y/n pointed at the bruises on Sooga's abdomen.
"wait, i'll get it for you as well-" the man tried getting up but failed as sharp pains shook his whole body.
"...or maybe not..." he sat back on the bed, looking devastated, as he couldn't help his loved one like they did.

y/n softly smiled and gave Sooga a peck on his forhead.
"don't move, the stitches will come off"
and with that they walked- well, stumbled, to get some ice for the both of them.

Once they healed what was possible, y/n sat on the edge of the bed where Sooga was almost drifting to sleep.
he raised an hand and gestured his partner to lay down with him, so y/n did.
they cuddled and forgot about the pain, whispering sweet nothings to each other as they got lost in their dreams.

this was a bit rushed but i think it's pretty cute either way ^^
have a good night/day :)

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