Sooga x Reader

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Requested by kaedehara_kazuha31

They/Them reader

"no no no" Sooga shushed Y/n, stopping them with his index finger.

"not this time, Y/n" He said, as his spouse started preparing for the latest mission, just like anybody else.

"what? why?" They asked concerned, stopping their preparations.

Sooga sighed hevily, looking down, then he stepped closer to his newly wed, lowering a bit.

"i extreamly bad feeling about this. you know i never trusted the seer" he looked side to side, making sure the said person wasn't around.

"that's exactly why we should both be on the battlefield, dear" Y/n said, matching the man's concerned voice.

Sooga crossed his arms, his gaze low once more.

"i's just, different, this time. and i know better than to not trust my gut" he gestured with his hands, before making sure his swords were steady on his hips.

Sooga looked at Y/n, that understood his expression fully, despite the mask.

"please trust me this time. stay here" he placed his large hands on their shoulders, lowering his forhead to bump into Y/n's.

"i'll stay out of it, but don't think i won't be watching over you and Kohga" Y/n whispered, shifting their masks to place a kiss on their husband's mouth, which he reciprocated, holding his spouse's cheek.

"we'll be off now" he announced.

"please be careful out there" Y/n said their goodbye, before preparing themself for a stalk mission, as the group chosen to accompany the seer in Hyrule Field teleported away, all surrounding the one and only Master Kohga.

Y/n took a deep breath as they suddently felt as something was going to go horribly wrong. Sooga surely was a man to trust when it came to gut feelings.

the sky was a deep red, something Y/n had whitnessed a few times in their life, but surely a surprise everytime it happend.

they gazed upon it from a hill in the east of Hyrule field, where they had a clear vision of their fellow Yiga and Astor, the prophet of doom.

everything seemed to be going ok, when Astor came to an abrupt stop.

the body language of their clan could be read ad clear distress as astor used his orb-like gear to bring to life the four blights of Ganon.

Y/n couldn't act just yet, but when the Yiga footsoliders surrounding Kohga and Sooga fell to the ground lifeless, without a fight, glowing red orbs flowing out of their chests, Y/n didn't know how to react.

they wanted to, for sure, but they couldn't.

and it was then that Astor created one of his infamous Hollows, in the shape of the Knight with the Mastersword, and Sooga begun defending Master Kohga, who, after doing a small sprint to make his escape, turned around, and begun fighting alongside Sooga.

'i need to get reinforcements' Y/n thought. 'but Astor is just going to kill them like he did with the others' and Y/n didn't want the blood of their caln-mates on their hands.

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