Purah x MtF! Socially anxious! Reader

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requested by LenaHummingbird


"All your fussing is gonna make us late Y/n! C'mon!" Purah's energetic voice complained jokingly as she, Robbie and the said Y/n made their way down the well-lit path that led to Hyrule Castle's entrance with a fast pace.

The scientist had had a little problem with Y/n's self confidence just half and hour before the big event, not to mention the other two hours needed to choose the perfect dress and make up for the girl, whose body dismorphia decided to kill her from the inside.

The road was packed with people of all kinds.
The Sheika, Zora, Gerudo, Rito, Goron, and even Yiga were invited for the anniversary of Calamity Ganon's banishement.

Y/n's breathing had gotten shaky from the loud noises and the plentiful gazes on her group of friends.

The Royal Sheika Scientists, close friends of the very Princes Zelda, almost late to the most important celebration of the year.

She felt angry at herself and her stupid anxiety, but what else could have she done about it?

Finally, the doors to the entrance were visible, well lit and decorared with strings of colored cloths with the Triforce and Hyrule Kingdom's symbol.

Soliders guarded the way, checking for the guests that entered to be clear of any suspicious item, and reminded them to get rid of any wepon they may have held.

The three tho were let thru without many questions for their known professions and closeness to Zelda.

Purah was holding Y/n by her arm, dragging her behind herself, Robbie following suit thru the warm and welcoming hallways, untill they finally reached the Throne room that also served as a ballroom.

Musicians were alredy playing soft melodies that seemed to soothe the frightened scientist, who managed to avoid as much as she could all the chatter from the guests.

The group slithered thru the crowd, Purah's loud voice making sure to have an open path to the stairs that took them to the elevated throne, where Zelda was alredy hanging around, her father Roham, Link, Impa and the four Champions with her.

"Good evening, Everybody!!" Robbie greeted with a prominent hand gesture, Purah following along, and Y/n simply holding the limbs of her dress and giving a slight bow to the princess and elderly King.

The group was all complete now, just moments before loud trumpets announced the real beginning of the celebration, catching Y/n by surprise.

Zelda's speech begun after the crowd had finished clapping and cheering, and Y/n couldn't focus on any of the words that came out of her mouth.

Her mind was wondering on the plans she had made to confess her love to her co-worker and best friend Purah, accepting her fate of being rejected.

She had seen how close Purah and Robbie always were in the lab. Every project was a cuple project, every experiment was conducted by the both of them, together.

She sighed, looking down at a body that didn't match the mind, and asked herself if this thing would have affected Purah's response in any way, knowing with all her heart that she always was the best of friends she had ever had, and the most supportive for all, no matter what.

The speech had finished, she missed all of it, but she clapped her hands notheless.

Meanwhile, Purah had noticed the change in demenor of her best friend, the one that her made her question her own emotions, the ones she had always under control.

She couldn't deny how much she loved the time spent together with her, the hours spent reassuring each other, the ways she would catch Y/n lost in her eyes from time to time, her mind well away from work, the almost dayly friendly flirting and the way Y/n would blush at the tinyest of things.

Purah had solved all of her doubts, and decided that that night she would have shared her feelings, one way or another.

"Why don't we go down and have some fun!" Daruk's loud voice interrupted the scientists toughts, and all the group agreed.

Purah took Y/n's hand, noticing the clear anxiety in her eyes as she gazed at the ball room below, stuffed with too many people for her to even fake being all right.

"we can just stay on the sides, we don't have to socialize" Purah spoke softly, trying to reassure the trembling Sheika in front of her, "we are not the princess after all" she giggled, placing a stray strand of hair behind Y/n's ear.

Y/n nodded, giving a soft smile to her caring friend, seeing soemthing new in her eyes.

The two made their way down the stairs behind everybody else, their hands still interlocked, a soft blush appearing on Y/n's cheecks once she realized.

once finished the flight of stairs, they watched Robbie and all the others disappear in the waves of visitors.

They looked as the musicians started to play again, and the dance floor becoming more agitated as cuples started dancing to the classical rithms.

"i would ask you to dance but i'm pretty sure you would faint" Purah teased, fixing her glasses, and enjoing the sound of Y/n's soft laughter.

"i'm afraid you're right, Purah. But..." She stopped, looking out one of the huge windows at the bright moon that was freed from the grasp of dark clouds, "why don't we dance outside? The music is so loud i'm sure you could just hear it-" as soon as she finished the phrase, Purah's hand was alredy in her own, dragging her in the direction they had entered from just moments before.

Their pace was just as fast, and once they reached the outside, they found their way in the gardens just outside the ballroom.

Y/n was right, the music was as clear as day.

Purah didn't waste a second. She placed a hand on Y/n's hips and held her hand in the other, Y/n putting them on her friends shoulders, flustered at the absense of hesitation.

They started following the rithm, their  dresses flowing behind them, twirling in the moonlight, untill the song came to an end, and Purah made Y/n lose balance in a dip, that brought the both of them on the soft grass, laighing at their position, Purah just on top of Y/n, her glasses almost falling to the ground.

there was a pause, then, the unimaginable.

Purah lowered herself in a kiss.

Their lips following each other's, eyes closed, and an incredibly fast beating heart.

they stayed on the ground like that for a while, admiring the stars in that night full of love.


I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoied writing it, i think its pretty nice, lemme know what you think and maybe leave a vote!

have a good day/night to all my buddies

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