Rauru x Reader

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Requested by 5nightsatFreddysfan
they/them reader

Rauru walked in the midst of the houses that were being built around the castle, a fortunate experience he could live pretty rarely, the many duties of his royal charge often blocking him from feeling the light breeze of the outside and just bask in his reign being built under his gaze.

a few soliders stood meters behind him, giving him space but never leaving him completly alone, and Rauru didn't mind, as he was certain that very little of his people would resort to violence and theft, and that tought just brightened his spirit even more.

the zonai would stroll in the various roads and paths, getting carried by the lively morning life of his subjects, getting frequent surprised stares and waves, along with gasps and yells of joy from few, who would often get closer to chat, not that he minded at all, he preferred it that way.

he knew his people weren't afraid of him as a ruler and that warmed his heart.

as he dodged playing kids and leaned over markets filled of goods and crafts of every kind, a soft music reached his elongated ears filled with earrings, making them twitch slighlty.

he looked around, his eyes wide in curiosity.

Rauru begun to walk different directions, going around people and muttering soft excuses to the people he unintentionally shoved while in a rush.

he entered a narrow street, and after walking along it for a while, it opened in a beautiful square, a marble funtain spraying water in the middle, flowers decorating it's side and a crowd of people just on the side.

that's where the music was coming from.

he could hear the strumming of a lute, and a strong voice accompanying it.

he didn't need to push in the crowd to face the bard, as his tall stature permitted him to see just where that peron stood.

a thick wooden table with people feasting, cheering and singing along was under the bard's feet, as they danced and strummed their instrument with passion.

 Rauru smiled and laughed at the slight duble meaning of the song, and clapped his hands along to the rithm given by all the crowd who was doing the same.

as he watched the artist move and play their music, he couldn't help but fell a wave of curiosity wash over him.

he leaned over to one of the people of the crowd closest to him, and got his attention.

"excuse me, who might this bard be? are they well known?" he asked, the person stood open mouthed and sligthly trembling at the sight of their king, standing in front of them and asking them a question.

"o-oh, well, they are Y/n! well, they're actually known as 'The Faceless Voice'" they stuttered, enthusiasm in their voice.

"the Faceless Voice...that's an intriguing name..." Rauru tought outloud, brushing his chin with his fingers, raising his face once more to look at the figure dancing and stomping loudly on the table.

now that he noticed, the person wore an all black sort of veil on the top half of thieir face, it's limbs adorned with gems and shiny pices of metal that matched the enormous quantity of earrings staked on their pointy ears.

their clothing was extravagant and of bright colors, and their lute was adorned as well.

the fun song came to an end, and the crowd cheered at the bard, whom was bowing vigurously and dramatically.

that's when the bard caught a glimpse of a non human figure, and fully turned to check.

"i cannot believe my own eyes!" they exclamed, the crowd silencing and slowly turning to where the bard was staring.

in a swift motion, Y/n was off the table, the people moving to make a path for them to walk into, and they reached Rauru, who was just as surprised. 

the people, now aware of the presence of their king bowed and gasped, but Rauru's attention was on the misterious musician in front of him.

Y/n bowed as well, taking Rauru's hand in theirs in a swift motion, and kissing his knukles afterwards.

Rauru could swear he was blushing.

"my king, what a pleasure to finally have your charming persona right in front of me, let alone, enjoying my music!" they announced drammatically, entrataining the crowd.

Rauru could only stutter as he told them how he had a free moment off duties and randomly found himself there, and Y/n seemed almost too intratained by his flustered behaviour, and smiled playfully.

they bowed once more, "i do hope my music dosn't sound too...inappropriate for your hearing, mi lord..." they drammatically talked, exagerating their hand gestures and body language.

Rauru only giggled, "no, no i find them quite intrataining and different from what my court musicians have in store for me at the castle," he talked, now more confiden and genuinly enjoying the conversation.

they excanged a few more gazes, before the bard loudly announce the name of the next song, the people spectating erupting in even louder cheers.

'it must be a famous song of theirs' Rauru tought as he awaited them to climb back onto the table and begin their energetic singing.

"Your majesty! where had you gone off to?!" a few guards ran along the same path he took to get in the square, and just then he noiced how they had been absent for a long time.

"we lost you in the crowd, but we have word your duties are calling, we will safely escort you back to the palace" one said a bit out of breath, waiting for Rauru to give some sort of approval.

the man just looked saddened, and after a long gaze at the bard, who had now started singing again, he sighed, and begun walking again.

from atop the table, Y/n wished Rauru would have stayed, or at least turned around so that they could wave at him goodbye.

i had so much fun writing this one honestly, i got the idea and i wrote in in one breath.

i hope you enjoyed!

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