Urbosa x Sheika!Reader

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Requested by @Dragonsw
He/him reader

Y/n took a deep breath, the crisp air of the Gerudo Desert familiar and somehow relaxing to him, when others would fin it completly umbearable.

he shook some sand from his boots as he arrived at the front Gate of Gerudo Town, the two guards at the entrance slamming the underside of their weapons on the sandy marble of the flooring, a loud clang reverbereting trought he air.

"Halt! no Voes are allowed further!" one of them shouted, and Y/n smired under the cloth protecting the lower half of his face from the hars winds and from inhaling sand.

he grabbed the edge of that same cloth, revealing his full face, his white hair dangling and waving all around, "i think Lady Urbosa would be rather annoyed at your forgetfulness, ladies," he begun, his voice immediatly sparking a tought in the guards' mind, their eyes scanning the rather short figure in front of them troughly, the Sheika crest on his clothes, Gerudo ornaments and jewels all across his body...that had to be Y/n.

the Gerudo shamefully lowered their heads, but before they could say anything, a roaring, powerful voice echoed trough the tunnel that served as an entrance.

"My dear, i didn't expect you to be here this early on," 

the one and only Urbosa crossed the two guards, reaching Y/n.

"my lady, flawless and radiating beauty as always," Y/n answered Urbosa's welcome, walking forward and gently pulling her hand up to his lips, placing a soft kiss on her knuckles, "i'd arrive early anytime for you, my beautiful".

Urbosa smiled, "lets get inside, today is pretty hot out, the citadel will cool you down from your travel" she announced, leading the way, "you must be tired".

As the cuple walked inside the town's walls, Y/n felt relatively fresher, it must have been the cooling sistem placed on top of the walls.

Urbosa moved smoothly, the clacking of her heels on the stone pavement filling the sheika's ears along with the muttering of the town's people, not used to the presence of a Voe, but understanding of their leader.

they soon arrived in the throne room, and Urbosa was quick to lead the both of them up to her quarters.

she sat on the edge of her queen sized bed, crossing her legs, probably waiting for a word by her lover, who was neatly hanging his coat on a hanger and untying his Katana from his belt, placing it carefully ina designated spot, where Urbosa's sword rested as well.

"i have news about the Yiga" Y/n begun, pacing back and forth, but stopping when he heard Urbosa huff and let out a chuckle.

"i tought your visit was out of your pure love and devotion for me but you manage to surprise me every time, dear" she said sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"i...i tought an information like this would be more than welcome" he said back, almost ashamed.

Urbosa got up from the bed, walking in front of Y/n, and placing her hands on his chin and cheecks, "we will have time to discuss about those lost soluls whearabouts, but it's been quite a while since we enjoyed each other company, don't you agree?" she said, her tone soft and almost sorry.

Y/n leaned his hands in her comfortable hold, kissing the palm of one of her hands, "you are right, i guess work is getting the best of me. lets enjoy this day, my beautiful" he answered, his voice a delicate whisper againts her hands.

Urbosa smiled widely, chuckling, "i love the sound of that!" she burst into a hearty laugh, leaning down to kiss Y/n, their lips meeting after a long time apart like a perfect puzzle.

Y/n could swear some of her blue lipstick was smeared on his lips, but he didn't mind at all, all those kisses, gentle, rough or inbetween where like fuel to his body, much like Urbosa's little quirks and habits, all those little things he fell in love with, along with her fierce yet compassionate personality, and her immense ability in fighting and skill as a leader.

he sighed dreamily as Urbosa almost dragged him outside, and led him in the square, whwre different shops were set out as usual.

They walked and greeted the vendors, and after a quick chat with old friends, they begun a chit-chat of their own, moving trough the alleys, the sandstone of the walls and floor radiating a pleasing yellow hue.

Urbosa was quick to lock her arm with Y/n's and lead him to the canteen.

they sat down beside each other, and a waitress brought them their drinks.

"nothing in Hyrule is like the Noble Persuit," Y/n commented, taking a sip from the weirdly-shaped glass, the ice in the liquid tingling and making goosebumps form on his back.

Urbosa silently agreed, taking a sip herself and placing the glass down on the table in front of them with a loud, delighted humm.

She smoothly placed her arm on Y/n's shoulders, hugging him close and playing with his white locks, "and your company makes it taste better" she said slyly, eyeing Y/n with an half lidded gaze.

She exaled loudly, resting her head back on the cushions of the sofa they were sharing and closing her eyes.

"Was your travel enjoyable at least? Hopefully you didn't catch bad weather" she asked, "...like last time" she giggled.

Y/n almost spat his drink.

"We do not talk about last time...i tought we were over this" he mumbled the last bit, playful annoyance in his tone.

"How can i ever be over of when you arrived in the citadel with a cold and a high feaver? I can almost hear you say all the things you muttered while sick" she laughed, mocking Y/n, who was covering his face in both hands and laughing to himself.

""This sickness couldn't stop me from meeting my queen"" Urbosa begun quoting his words and mimicking his body language as if he had said them the day prior, and he laughed in embarassment.

"I hoped you would have found those words romantic, but all i'm getting is mocked" Y/n laughed and faked a pout, turing his head away from Urbosa, who laughed even harder, grabbing him in a tight hug, dragging him close.

As they laughed together in the bar Y/n realized how much his life had changed from the moment they got together.

Moments like this made his tension and rigidity melt in an instant, his true self emerging from the shell of stoicness and doubts he had built over himself to not crumble under the weight of his responsabilities.

Urbosa felt the exact same way, glad she had fought for a land of peace and won the battle, and could now enjoy little moments like this, not caring about the outside world, but pleased with the warmth this man had brought into her life, and filled with hope about what the future holds.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, if you did leave a vote and don't be afraid to comment ^^

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