Teba x Reader

490 6 4

Requested by kaedehara_kazuha31
they/them reader
sorry this ain't the best

"Well if it isn't Y/n! What brings you here, old friend?" Teba's raspy voice met Y/n's ears, wo turned around, finding the Rito standing proudly a few meters away.

Y/n tiredly smiled, completly turning around and walking to Teba, who was doing the same.

they hugged, Teba patting Y/n's back a few times before they parted.

"it's good to see you, Teba. It's been a while" Y/n said, their tone genuine with a hint of sadness.

"it is a surprise, really. But tell me, what good wind brought you a the way here to Rito Village?" The rito was filled with curiosity, and folded his arms/wings on one another.

Y/n sighed before beginning to speak.

"i'm finally free from army-duties, the Calamity has been sealed, but we can never lower our guard" they begun, "the war did take a toll on me, and as much as it pains me to ask you-"

"Y/n, please drop the formalities. We've known each other since we were kids. Now go straight to the point" Teba reassured the Hylian solider, who softly laughed before returning serious.

"Teba, i need you to train me" they said, leaving te man surpriesed.

"what? but, Y/n you're the most skilled Hylian archer, what could you possibly need for me to teach you?" He exclaimed, now worry tainted his voice.

Y/n sighed again, before revealing to him a huge bruise on the inside of their elbow.

"I got hit were a nerve is, and i can barely move my arm now. It's like i have to learn everything from zero, like a child" They said softly, slight disgust in their voice.

Teba hissed at the sight, gently taking Y/n's arm and analyzing it.

"this certanly is a surprise..." he whispered, talking to himself.

"but how can i turn your request down?" He giggled, placing his fethered hand on his friend's shoulder, who smiled.

"i'll put down a plan for you, and you can sleep in my hut for some time, the stable down on land isn't of the cheapest" he begun speaking, gesturing for Y/n to follow him around.

From that day, Teba put himself into training his old friend, reminising of the first time they had ever met, down in Castle Town.

it was Teba's first time at fair like that. The town was way bigger than he had imagined, and, he did feel a bit uneasy at the great noise and many people swarming the streets.

He walked fastly, looking around in confusion as he had lost sight of his father, whom had broight him there in the first place.

as he turned many corners, he stumbled upon a stand where people were queueing to play.

he looked over at the stand, learning that the game needed bow and arrow skills to win the prize, and that was the only thing he needed to not feel anxious anymore and quikly get himself behind the last one in the line.

as some time passed, his turn came.

The person running the stand looked a bit confused when a lone Rito child, just inches taller than the counter asked to play, and, as much as they wanted to let him have a go, he did not have any coins on him.

Teba was saddened at the news, when he heard whispers from behind him.

he was quick to turn around, where a kid, followed by their smiling mother and their Hilyan Solider father silently handed him enough coins to play.

he gasped loudly, thanking them loudly and exitedly, then, turning back around at the stand runner, who had whitnessed the scene, and was holding a bow with three arrows towards him, and then placed a stool where the Rito was, to raise him up.

he had to thank his father for the archery training, as he managed to hit a bullseye on the second shot.

The stand keeper clapped, handing him a big stuffed animal, and the child behind Teba loudly cheered, rushing their dad to pay for them to try too.

Teba waited for those kind strangers, and was left mesmorized when the child also hit a bullseye, but at the third try.

The said kid jumped down the stool, running towards the Rito, arm raised to get a high five, which Teba was reluctant at at first, but then raised his fethered hand for the unknown kid to clap.

"I'm Y/n!! Who are you???" The child happily yelled, jumping around.

Teba felt a bit akward, and after stuttering a bit, he responded.

"My name is Teba"

Y/n turned to their parents, pointing at Teba.

"Father! Mother! I have made a new friend!!"

Teba was left mesmorized. He never had a friend apart from Harth, not to say a Hylian friend, but it felt nice, and he couldn't help but smile.

it was then that his father came down from the sky, having spotted him.

"Teba?" he was shaken awake from his toughts by Y/n, who was waving their hand in front of his face.

"are you ok?" They smiled, laughing lightly.

he nodded, smiling back.

"we better get training, the sooner we start, the sooner you'll be back on your feet" he placed his hands on his hips.

"But first, would you like a cup of hot tea? The weather isn't of the best to get to the flight range anyway" he laughed, getting a nod from his friend, who happily followed him to his hut, chatting, catching up about their lives and talking about anything, happy to be able to spend some time together, outside of their duties.

oh wow i finally wrote something
so sorry for the wait, Totk oneshots aren't yet requestable.

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