Master Kohga x Knight! Reader

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Requested by TheRedRoseJester

They/them reader


Y/n had noticed for a while the presence of a Hyrulean knight that hey had never seen before.

The strange thing was that they had no bruses and their armor was completly untouched.

A deserter maybe?

No, they wouldn't have came back to the army.

The misterious person had vanished for a while, bringing princess Zelda and her royal advisor, Impa, with them.

Y/n's nerves were on edge as they felt uneasy and feared the worst for the princess.

To their surprise, the girls had come back but, with them walked several other people.

Y/n squinted their eyes to try and recognize the people, and they whished they didn't.

They walked towards the group at a fast pace, moving in between the hurt soliders that were being aided and the ones that were fortifying the plane, but with their eyes always on the newcomers.

"Oh, y/n, i was just thinking that i needed you" Zelda commented as soon as the Hyrulean Capitain was near them.

She held her arms out slightly, as to stop Y/n from attempting anything on the ones behind her.

"I know what you're thinking, and yes, they are Master Kohga and few of his Yiga footsoliders, but they have sworn to help us defeat the Calamity, and i'm sure they'll be of great aid" She explained, the hidden expression of the knight in front of her unclear.

"You may help them understand our plans and give them tasks for the time being" She finished, and after a quik nod to the Yiga behind her, accompanied by Link and Impa, walked away.

There was silence thick with akwardness and untrust before Kohga spoke.

"So, what we gotta do?" His obnoxious and loud voice took Y/n off guard, and they slightly flinched.

The knight thought for a moment, looking around and trying to figure out anything to say.

"...i think i should explain how we are going to move after everybody is ready to fight once more-"

"Alredy know" Kohga interrupted with a monotone and bored tone.

"wha- how?" Y/n begun, tilting their head in confusion.

"I was literally diguised as a knight for the entirety of the Princess' little speech.
We also made eye contact more than once actually" He answered, this time more jokingly, obtaining some giggles from the clearly worn out Yiga warriors on his sides.

Y/n also snikered, mentally face palming themselfs for their forgetfullness.

"Say, don't your knights need any healing per chance? he's a medic" Kohga started again, pointing at one of the lackeys on his right.

"oh! Yes, that would be wonderful. If you go down over there you'll see the temporary nursery" Y/n felt relief as memories of not so long ago flashed in their mind.

"but let me get you someone to accompany you, i'd rather they don't assault you on sight" The commander made a gesture for a knight that was seamingly doing nothing, who arrived with a sprint.

He was given orders, and the two went off.

"now," they started once more, "you could help with the fortifications, see if anyone needs help moving boulders or passing wooden boards"

The group of soliders looked at each other, then at Kohga, who made a hand gesture while raising his voice and saying "Scram! You heard them".

"and for you..." Y/n tought a moment, before watching up and down the rather tall man.

"What, enjoying the great Master Kohga too much you can't even think?" The smirk he had plastered on his face could have been heard thru his flirty voice just like you could see the outside from a clean glass window.

Y/n was taken aback by the comment and was left with their mouth open in confusion and...well...flustered in some way?

A muffled wholeharted laugh came from the man.

"that was highly unnecessary...Kohga, right?"

"Oh i know, but your face was priceless, and also, i broke the ice!" He stood proudly with his fists on his hips.

Y/n tought about it and mentally thanked him.

it felt really weird being just joking with a long time enemy.

Not to mention, they were part of the recognition that took down their hideout, and they had seen how Kohga could fight.

Now that they tought about it, something was missing.

"This might come off rude, but, didn't you have a second in command with you?" Y/n feared the answer of the man, whose confidence was popped like an oktobaloon on a branch.

"umm...well..." He stuttered.

"nevermind, i didn't wish to sadden you..." Y/n interrupted his toughts, but that charming personality was gone.

"it's fine, i guess" He spoke softly, lowering himself and sitting on the ground.

Y/n waited for a moment before following suit.

there was a pause.

Y/n took that moment to listen to the breeze pass thru the leaves and the grass, to hear the chirping of the birds and the sounds of water flowing nearby.

" aren't a young solider, i take it you've seen some things too" Kohga broke the silence, resting his head on his palms and looking over at Y/n.

Y/n sighed, looking down at the grass.

"yes, unfortunatly yes" they took that moment to take their helm off, and position it on their crossed legs, then, interwine their arms and placing their head atop them.

"I'm going to quit soon. But first, either Calamity Ganon perishes or i do".

Kohga hummed in response.

"What kinda life you wanna live? Now that i think of it, i'm gonna have to rearrange all the clan and...rebuild the entire hideout" he puffed.

"I'll move to Lurelin probably. I always liked the sea" Y/n responded after a while of thinking.

"You don't got any family to go to?" Kohga asked surprised and curious.

"no, never really had time for it honestly. It was study work study work and repeat for a long time" Y/n raised their head to look at Kohga, who was leaning foward as to listen more carefully.

The knight giggled.

"wow, your charm really avoided you work" They smiled, and Kohga probably did as well, but Y/n couldn't know.

"i think we're gonna get along, us two.
don't die out there, Kohga" They snikered and got up with clear fatigue.

Kohga followed along.

"Lets not do that- for your life in Lurelin and finally some peace for me" Kohga added, stretching and giggling along with Y/n.


i hope you enjoyed, as always leave any requests that you might have and have a great day/night!

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